News Politics

Lupardus Files Pre-candidacy for 2024 Commissioner Race

When Ridgeview News spoke to Eric on Friday, following the Appointment of Roger Propst to the unexpired replacement term of Matt Walker, he said that he wished the very best for Roger Propst and the county, believing Roger would do a great job filling the remainder of the Commissioner post. 

Mr. Lupardus officially filed pre-candidacy paperwork Friday allowing him to begin fundraising and campaigning for the 2024 commissioner race.  “I feel it’s time to give back to this community that has supported my family and small businesses for years”  Eric is the owner of The Outdoor Store and Country Kitchen Restaurant.  He looks forward to continuing to work on important infrastructure projects such as water expansion and broadband. Mr. Lupardus met several times with state officials and was beneficial to the current water expansion projects currently in the works. He is a member of the Calhoun Chamber of Commerce and has a passion for building Economic Development in Calhoun County with a drive and determination to bring jobs into our area. “I understand first hand the struggles that small town business owners have especially after covid and the current state of the economy.  I know our small businesses need emergency funding and community support, you can bet I will be in Charleston speaking with our representatives to help keep our businesses not only open but providing every job it can for our citizens”

When asked about the state of the county he responded, “When I speak to the citizens of this county about our issues the number one response is that it has been this way for years and the powers to be doesn’t want change, this is unacceptable and the ways of the old days are over.  Together we will provide a better way forward and the powers to be can work with me or be left in the past because I refuse to allow the citizens to feel as if they are not important and are not being represented.”

Mr Lupardus went on to say “I would represent the citizens equally of this county without prejudice of political party or family name”
