I am Michele Sears, and I am running for Calhoun County Commission. I have lived in Calhoun for 44 years with my husband Steve and my daughters Becky, Rachel and Julie Sears. I have 2 granddaughters, Autumn and Emily. Steve, who worked for NAPA, passed away 5 years ago. My 3 daughters all went through the county school system and went on to college. Becky is now the VP of Mountain Valley Bank, Rachel is a senior official with FEMA, and Julie is our county’s 911/OES Director and the Director of EMS.
I retired from the Assessor’s Office as a deputy with 21 years of service. I am a leader with Calhoun County 4-H and an officer with the Calhoun 4-H Leader’s Association.
Our county has some issues. All levels of government have issues. I believe the Commissioners that are in office right now are trying their hardest with the minimum amount of resources, money and people. The compressor station taxes are about to alleviate part of the money issues, but the Commission will always be a part time position, with a fulltime workload.
If elected to the Commission, not only do I bring 21 years of experience in our local government to the table but also, being retired, a lot of time to devote to our citizens.
I feel like the Commissioners’ goals should be to bring the companies that provide internet into accountability for our citizens. With that in place we can bring new business, update existing businesses and allow our children the same benefits as the rest of the country. What follows that will be recreation and tourism. Our children won’t need to leave, our citizens will see their level of living increase. With these things we can all still live here, maintaining the atmosphere of small-town rural living we love. We absolutely need to start the building blocks of a new, better, and more sustainable Calhoun County.
If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please contact me, via Facebook, e-mail imlmsears@yahoo.com, or phone 304-514-9974Thank you and if you agree with these goals, I would appreciate your vote.

Glad to see you are running for county Commissioner Michele Sears. You’re intelligent, articulate and hard working. Just what this county needs. You’re platform is spot on. You certainly have my vote. Best of luck!