The Mt. Zion Public Service District board met for their monthly meeting on Monday, October 2nd, 2023 with their newly appointed member Ari White, as well as the remaining board members, Anita West and Robin Hughes. Mr. White came prepared for the meeting with a copy of Roberts Rules of Order, all 816 pages, to make an attempt of order from the previously experienced chaos.
However, even the opening of the meeting seemed daunting to the Board as Mr. White attempted to explain the procedure for conducting a meeting that did not have an active chair. The meeting would be “Pro Tempore,” “Pro tempore” which is a Latin phrase that translates to “for the time being”. It’s often used to describe a person who acts as a placeholder in the absence of a superior. So for that purpose, Anita West, as Secretary made a motion to appoint Ari White as the newest member of the Mt. Zion PSD Board, with a second from Robin Hughes. Once the matter was passed by a unanimous vote, Robin Hughes then nominated Ari White to become Chair person of the board, Anita West abstained from voting.
With several matters having already been discussed at length using the Roberts Rules of Order, Jeremy Westfall, Operator, asked Mr. White where he had come up with all the aforementioned rules? To which Ari responded, from the book of Roberts Rules of Order which had been around for greater than 100 years.
Following the approval of the minutes, public comments and concerns were addressed. Ronald Brown, a water customer as well as an employee of Calhoun Homes asked when a specific hydrant had been last flushed at Calhoun Homes?
When no satisfactory answer was given Mr. Brown said that Mr. Westfall was not doing his job.
To which Mr. Westfall responded, “I guess so.”
Robin Hughes, Board member as well as Manager of Calhoun Homes stated that she had spoken to the WV State Fire Marshall’s office who had informed her that the line should be flushed from the appearance of the water.
Jeremy Westfall responded by saying that the line did not belong to the PSD, but rather Calhoun Homes so it was their responsibility, but Mr. Brown concluded that it was an issue with the PSD because they had the right of way.
Mr. Westfall said that in order to flush the meter as had been requested the Mt. Zion PSD Board would need to come up with $20,000 to cover the cost.
Mark Sankoff, Engineer for Protesta stated that it was a private line, but that it needed flushed.
At this time Ari White interjected saying that if it was the opinion of the WV Fire Marshall that mattered, it should be gotten in writing. The Board would need to clarify whose role it is to flush the line and the amount it will cost. Because of the verbal content of the meeting that was getting out of control, Ari informed all those present that from this point forward everyone would stop the finger pointing, address everything to him as chair or he would call them out of order.
Ronnie Brown added to his complaint by stating that he didn’t like coming into the office and learning facts about other people’s water bill, what they they owed, etc.
Mr. White said that it sounded like that could be a matter of liability and breach of contract.
Secretary Iona Rhodes then spoke up and asked if Board Members should be allowed to call ask about others peoples bills.
Chairman Ari White stated that the Mt. Zion PSD would adopt a written procedure to prevent further liabilities.
Anita West said that they should first see if their current rules and regulations covered it.
Mark Sankoff, Engineer for Protesta updated the PSD that they were continuing to update the plans to replace the booster station on Phillips run, paint the fencing at the Sand Ridge tank, replace a 2″ line at Sycamore, determine what Radio meters need to be replaced, update the PRV going into Arnoldsburg, and look inside and inspect the tank.
Mike Hersman of WV Rural Water offered to provide a drone that could look inside the tank to determine it’s condition,
Mr. Sankoff also informed the PSD Board that he would be providing a pressure gauge to Jeremy Westfall to put on a meter tile to check the water pressure every 30 seconds on the Grantsville side of the Booster station.
Jake Frady of the Mid Ohio Valley Regional Council reported to the board that there was an issue with an invoice of Dunn & Thrasher for “Special Services,” that was denied when they attempted to shift funds to pay it, but they were in agreement to pay a partial payment of $60,281.43 to Thrasher which the Board approved.
A motion was made by Anita West for the approval of Iona Rhodes as Mt. Zion PSD Secretary, stating that no objection had been made by the PSD attorney when contacted about Rhodes relationship with Jeremy Westfall. However, Robin Hughes, nor Ari White would approve her hiring. The discussion was moved into executive session to reconsider the objection but after the executive session ended the matter was tabled to be discussed again next month.
With regard to the Mt. Zion PSD’s request for financial assistance from the Calhoun County Commission, Ari White recommended that a financial statement be provided to the Commission upon making the request so that they could lead by example.
A motion to pay invoices was approved, of which the amount of $12,353.15 was due to the Town of Grantsville for the September Water usage wholesale.
Jeremy Westfall reported that all required reporting ntoices were up to date and there was no longer an issue with e.coli. Ari asked if the State site reflected such, to which Westfall said it did.
The Mt. Zion PSD rate increase went into effect raising the current base bi ll of $36.48 to $44.16.
Regarding the Consolidation, Mr. White asked what the current status was and was informed that the matter stalled in August.

Sounds like these issues should have been addressed years ago. A water system doesn’t turn into major headaches like this with proper maintenance as well as a preventive maintenance procedure in place. I had mentioned years ago to board members that the operator of the system should focus more on his task at hand than his side hustle. The main office cannot even install a new spouting on the front of the building for years. Between the main office and the station on Route 16s appearance, looks like the staff does not care. If they do not care about the appearance of the main office and operations center, do you think they care about the quality of water they are providing to the ridge? Doubtful, but I do not know it all.