Following the preliminary opening of the Calhoun County Commission meeting on Monday, February 13th, 2023, Commission President Matt Walker opened with a followup on questions asked at the previous month’s meeting. (1) Regarding the Water Companies consolidation it is currently on stand still due to Pleasant Hill having to replace board members following the resignation of their board. (2) He stated that he had been asked about the Sheriff’s Department computer program issues and had been advised that they (assuming that is the computer company) are rewriting the code and it is still a work in progress. (3) He had been to two EMS meetings and there is still some work to do on the numbers. He also wanted it noted that they (the county) had learned from their mistakes and and wanted to move forward which he brought up in the Thursday night work meeting, but he felt that he was misrepresented by the Ridgeview News (although not naming us) when I reported what he said.
It was noted by another person at the meeting that they remembered Walker’s statement in the same manner for I reported it. But regardless, we’ll move forward.
Commissioner Walker also stated that there would no longer be community work sessions unless the Commission felt they were warranted. The format of the Commission meeting has also been changed with the requirement for anyone with questions to sign up under delegations to speak. No open questions will be answered in the formal meeting. The commission would prefer matters be brought up prior to the meeting with them via phone or email.
First to speak under delegations was Charlotte Blair a resident of the Annamoriah Community. She presented a list of 29 names of people desiring city water service in the Annamoriah area and requested that the Commission consider extending the current service to their area. Walker informed her that he was aware of the need for Annamoriah and Munday, but the cost of going across the river was the issue. He said that Norman Ridge had been a 10 year project and was still not completed, and that it would take some time to get Annamoriah done if at all. He acknowledged that there are multiple areas along the main roads in the county that need to be addressed and that this was why the consolidation was so important.
Businessman and member of the Concerned Citizens of Calhoun County Group, Eric Lupardus asked the Commissioners when the last e911 audit had been done and if they had plans to perform an audit now? The Commissioners did not know when 911 had an audit done, other than that which was included in the county audit. Lupardus then asked if the Commission had spoken to the Prosecutor about charges with regard to the negligent duties of the e911 Director Julie Sears. They responded that they had not spoken to him but would.
Ridgeview News also offers the following for the Community’s understanding and consideration: It was requested (following an unnamed sources recommendation) at the prior commission meeting, by the Calhoun County Commission, that the three Volunteer Fire Departments be audited at their own expense which can be more than a few thousand dollars for each audit. And yet the only agency that has been accused of mismanagement is the Calhoun EMS which has yet to receive an in-depth audit and likely won’t. Calhoun 911 is being managed by the same director that was over the EMS when it failed to bill or document 355 runs, which likely cost the county several thousands of dollars in revenue. It wasn’t a question of missing money, therefore a financial audit would not have disclosed that discrepancy. With the same Director still over the 911 center, which receives hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding, why would the County Commission not want an in-depth audit (not a basic audit such as that done on the county) but one that also audits procedure to make sure things are operated correctly?
This is why the suggestion by Matt Walker that Ridgeview News was falsely reporting his statements and later saying that they (Ridgeview) “will likely say we’re doing all this because we’re hiding something” cuts so deep. Nothing untrue has ever been reported on Mr. Walker, and although I, nor anyone that I know of, has said they were hiding things, is it any wonder that people might consider the possibility. While they say they want to move forward and they’ve learned from their mistakes, they’re still clearly making the same assumptions about 911 that they did about Calhoun EMS. Calhoun 911 has an advisory board that can “advise” Julie Sears what to do. Nothing requires her to follow through on their advice. She answers only to the Calhoun County Commission and yet they are clueless as to what she does. So spare me the drama that I’m being mean to the Calhoun County Commission, when all I’ve done is report the facts.
Robin Hughes, manager of Calhoun Homes, a low income housing complex at Mt. Zion reported to the Commission that she currently has all apartments rented and repairs made from the help that the Commission gave of $10,000 in January. She was also able to replace two cook stoves with the help of the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department who gave Calhoun Homes two stoves that they had removed from their newly update kitchen.
Julie Sears was unavailable to report for 911 but she provided the number of calls that had been dispatched.
Jason Wilson, Calhoun EMS Interim Director reported that 13 calls of Calhoun EMS’ transports were transported BLS (Basic Life Support) with 4 calls being transported ALS (Advanced Life support.)
The Reported 911 activity was:
- 24 ALS runs
- 33 BLS runs
- 6 Calls canceled Enroute
- 6 refusals
- 3 DOA’s
- 1 Treated and Refused
- Total of 74 calls
- Average Enroute time .66 minutes
- Average Response time – 17.11 minutes
- Average on Call time – 85.83 minutes.
- There was only once that Calhoun EMS could not cover a local call because of all ambulance being out, at which time Ritchie County covered the call for them.
Calhoun EMS currently has two ambulances out of commission, one due to a deer hit and the second because of mechanical issues.
Minnie Hamilton now has an emergency response vehicle. The 2018 Explorer is completely stocked with supplies that will allow a paramedic to respond ahead or with an ambulance to assist in patient care, or prepare a patient for the crews arrival.
Matt Walker spoke on behalf of Donald Pitts, Calhoun County Park President with the update of the money provided by the Calhoun County Commission which is being used to update the barn with plans for a new HVAC system, flooring replacement/repair and roof. They are also looking to purchase a digital sign for the entrance to the park that will allow meetings and events to be advertised.
Commissioner Craig Arthur reported that FRN Director Tina Persinger had a busy month providing food service and assistance to area residents as well as keeping the community updated on events and programs through their social media page.
Shelia Burch, Director of the Little Kanawha Area Development Corp. reported that she, along with other County Economic Development Directors, were going to meet to discuss a joint infrastructure funding opportunity. Mrs. Burch also requested that the Commissioners contact their legislators on behalf of a bill currently in the Legislature, Bill 2854 will provide funding to daycares and providers based on enrollment, not attendance. She emphasized the need for daycare to assist with the County’s workforce. “You cannot have one without the other” she said. Mrs. Burch will personally go to the Legislature tomorrow to meet with representatives.
Commissioner Walker addressed the Commission’s desire to no longer hold evening work sessions. He said that there was a good attendance in the beginning when matters such as the Wayne Underwood Field and Emergency Levy were topics of discussion but since that time attendance had dropped to very few. He felt like moving forward those meetings should only be held when they’re warranted and would be announced. He said it may be put out there that we’re trying to hide things but we’re not. A motion was made by Kevin Helmick, a Second by Craig Arthur and all three commissioners were in favor.
A motion by Commissioner Helmick was made to accept a request from the Mid Ohio Valley Regional Counsel to provide $250.00 to support the Foster Grand Parent Program in schools. Craig Arthur seconded it and all were in favor.
The County Commission received a financial report from the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department.
New election machines for which the county received grant funding have been received. Jean Simers, County Clerk requested that the Commission declare the racks that held the old voting machines be deemed surplus. A motion was made by Commissioner Craig Arthur with a second by Kevin Helmick to give the racks to a person who had requested them. All were in favor.
As for old business the consolidation of the Public Service Districts was discussed with Matt Walker saying that it appears Grantsville is not currently on board and Pleasant Hill has no board. The funding that was previously thought to bring these agencies together is in question while they wait for word from Luke Peters of the Mid Ohio Valley Regional Council.
Jason Wilson, Calhoun EMS, reported that a prior request of $52,569.00 was not currently necessary. They had found slightly used equipment, that being a cot, hydraulic power loader, two stair chairs, and a brush guard which has eliminated any need to purchase new equipment for now. He informed the Commission that Bruce Fitzwater had the receipts and if possible they would like to recoup the money when it becomes available.
It was reported that Julie Sears had hired Hannah Johnson at E911, effective January 5th, 2023 and that Trinity Yeager Edgell was due to have a $1.00 increase per hour. A motion was made by Kevin Helmick and a second by Craig Arthur, all in favor.
Ridgeview News would question why there does not have to be approval of the Commission prior to a hire? If the Sheriff was required to beg for a vehicle that was already in his budget, why can Sears hire additional staff without approval from her Supervisors.
The Commission accepted two resignations; that of Paul Hagemann from the Calhoun EMS Board and Robert Beall from the Pleasant Hill Public Service District Board. And approved two appointments to the Solid Waste Authority, Brenda Bush and Janet Cunningham.
A change to the e911 retirement fund was requested and approved. Julie Sears requested that the e911 now use the Emergency Medical Services Retirement System for all future employees.
Commission entered into executive session at 9:40 a.m. to discuss the appointment of two new members for each of the Little Kanawha Area Development Corp. Board and the Calhoun County Planning Commission Board. One out of executive session at 10 a.m. and a motion to reconvene the meeting, a motion was made by Kevin Helmick and seconded by Craig author to appoint Nikki Boatright and Kristie Ritchie to the Little Kanwha Area Development Corp board and Cheryl Cheesebrew Sturms and Roger Propst to the Planning Commission.
Luke Peters of the MORVC presented the Hazard Mitigation Resolution for the County’s adoption. Motion by Craig Arthur with a second by Kevin Helmick, all in favor.
The Meeting was adjourned following the payment of bills and approval of the County’s financial statement (see separate story to follow). The next Commission meeting will be March 13, 2023 at 9 a.m. There will be a Board of Equalization meeting Tuesday, February 14th at 9 a.m.