11/14/23 Emergency Managers Weather Briefing from @NWSCharlestonWV: Dry with above normal temps and increased FIRE DANGER as the next chance for rain comes on Friday.
⚠🔥 Use extreme caution when using equipment outdoors or working with anything that may throw sparks.
🧯🚒 Keep vehicles off grass, extinguish cigarettes and anything flammable completely and collect in a fireproof container.
🚫🔥 WV State Law prohibits burning from 7AM to 5PM October 1st through December 31st. https://wvforestry.com/fire-laws/
🔥🌛 Make sure any fires burned during legal overnight hours are COMPLETELY extinguished. ⚠There is a very high risk of these fires rekindling.⚠
weather.gov/rlx/briefing #WVwx