Government News Schools

Parents are Expressing Safety Concerns About Sheriff’s School Career Day Exhibit


Ridgeview News will follow the action taken on this matter as the investigation continues. Mr. Keymox provided videos as well, but because they contained juvenile images the decision was made not to run them.

Photo provided by Jack Keymox

Hello, we the people would like to reach out and voice some concerns that not only I have as a parent and citizen in Calhoun County but many other parents and some school staff at this point. The issue continues to grow each day that nothing has been done about it. I have contemplated on this long and hard over the past few days and have also voiced my concerns with the Calhoun County High School Staff and Calhoun County Prosecutor along with other parents. It was brought to my attention that on Friday March 31st 2023, Calhoun County Middle High School hosted a Career Day Event for students. One would think that is an amazing thing for our youth to experience and find a career path and have individuals to look up to. However on that date, that was not the case. It was brought to my attention due to numerus Social Media post’s and videos of the Calhoun County Sheriff J. Bassnett allowing our youth to handle firearms and there was at least one unsafe firearm with what looks like live ammunition attached to the side of it. Along with allowing students to be pointing these said weapons at each other while taking photos and video’s of themselves doing so and posting them through numerous social media accounts. Lets please take into consideration of the most recent event in Tennessee god bless those family’s and everyone involved. Furthermore allowing students to handle or touch unclean drug paraphernalia with who knows what kind of substances in them that could have possibly been deadly to our children. This is outrageous and extremely poor judgment on the Sheriffs part. I’m very thankful and grateful that no children was hurt during this but it could have very easily happened and someone could have lost a child that day. We as citizens are asking for help and putting a stop to this before it gets worse and hold the Sheriff accountable for his negligence that could have seriously hurt one of our children. Attached you will find one photo taken from a social media account showing the drug paraphernalia and the fire arm that has live ammunition in the railing. The ammunition is red in color. and there is videos taken from social media accounts as well of students handling the fire arms and what appears to be pointing one at another student. 

Thank for you time in at least reviewing this and we hope you will have the same feelings as we do and help us protect our youth and show them that this is unacceptable and should not happen especially from someone who is suppose to help protect our community. enough is enough. 

Jack Keymox

*I have briefed the county commission about the issue. It was brought to my attention on March 31st. I received the photos and video. Those videos and photographs have been presented to the commission in conjunction with a statement of facts gathered from a few different sources. 

As it is an ongoing investigation, I cannot comment further than that. 

Nigel Jeffries, Prosecuting Attorney

*Good morning,

I have been out of town from last Thursday evening until later today.   I received information about the session that the Sheriff presented during the Career and College part of the Student Interest Day.  We are still in the process of investigating the incident.  I will not be able to comment until the investigation is complete.   Thank you for understanding the process.  

Kelli Whytsell, Superintendent
