The Pleasant Hill PSD Board met the the Board Room of the Town of Grantsville at 4 p.m. on Monday, October 2nd, 2023. Board members present were Tammy Yoak, Allen Dawson and Eric Cain.
Following the approval of minutes the board voted to adopt a Drug Free Work Place in accordance with the USDA as well as a Fire Hydrant Policy.
The Norman Ridge Project was said to be moving along.
With regards to the 2023 Audit, Secretary Stephanie Good informed the board that she had been working on it.
Tammy Yoak mentioned several times during a recent training that she had learned many things that she was either unaware of or did not know needed accompylished, such as a workplace handbook. She and Allen Dawson will work on getting samples from other PSD’s to create and adopt one of their own.
Jacob Bunner, Operator for Pleasant Hill PSD reported to the board that his Monthly Operational Reports were completed and sent in, their reporting was in compliance and he was working toward updating lead and copper sites as well as addresses associated with his bacti samples. By way of work being done in the system he reported that he had fixed 2 leaks, one at Pleasant Lane and the other at Leaf Bank and that two taps were due to be installed this week. Other matters of concern was a leak at the home of Gary Smith and a leak on Leading Creek Road.
The Annamoriah Project which has been a hot topic at Calhoun County Commission Meetings is at the forefront of planning with the PSD. The first matter of business regarding the project was to hire an Engineer to move the project forward. Two Engineer firms applied, Boyles Hildreth as well as New River. When it came to making the determination the Pleasant Hill PSD went with Boyles Hildreth because of their area knowledge, experience and assurance that there would be no problem with delays. With the current number of Water customers needing service the cost of the project would be $125,000 per home. That amount could be reduced if more customers would come on board for service and property values could be increased because of the availability of water.
Charlotte Blair, who has kept the feet of all parties to the fire was asked and accepted the job of recruiting more homes in the area to reduce the cost.
Other areas for service that was discussed was the Munday Road which had all but been determined to be removed from the newest project. When Charlotte Blair explained circumstance along the route and the desperate need the PSD Board agreed to reconsider.
The board entered into an executive session to discuss personnel and the meeting was later adjourned.