Letters Politics

Republican Chair Calls Out Commissioners Helmick and Walker

Received 8/12/23 from Republican Chair, Roger Propst

Regarding the appointment of Michael Hicks as Prosecuting Attorney of Calhoun County:

This whole thing was orchestrated by Commissioners Walker and Helmick.

Mr. Hicks changed his registration on July 5th prior to Prosecutor Jeffries submitting his resignation to the Commission on July 17th. Obviously, this information was leaked to Mr. Hicks by a Commissioner, and the conniving began, and culminated when the clearly more qualified applicant was not appointed.

The meeting date was originally scheduled for August 14th but was changed to August 9th because two commissioners could not make the August 14th date. (I wonder who those two were), don’t you? To make matters worse, no notification to the press of the date change was issued, only a notice posted on the bulletin board located on the front porch wall. This surely was just a coincidence!

I am sure a majority of the Commissioners were surprised to see that their attempted deception had not worked. When challenged by Crystal Mersh, Judge Larry Whited, and me, we were treated with disrespect and condescension, which did not go without being challenged.

The predetermined outcome of the process had been discovered, and obviously didn’t “sit well” with the commissioners who hatched it. The whole process stinks and reeks of arrogance by the commissioners involved toward the citizens of Calhoun County, who are not blind and deaf. We will continue to call BS when we see it and will not be bamboozled by politicians mired in old-style, dirty politics.


4 Replies to “Republican Chair Calls Out Commissioners Helmick and Walker

  1. Probably the thing to do would to be to rescind this move to allow the Republican Executive Committee to lke over the candidates and make a recommendation for a replacement since it calls for a Republican be named to replace a Republican.
    The person named was technically a Republican but was also the former Chairman of the democrat party and a democrat county commissioner.
    Perhaps a better choice would be the former prosecuting attorney who, while a democrat re-registered as a Republican would be nowhere as political nor would not seem like seem like god old boys takin care of their buddy.
    This move should be rescinded NOW!!!

    1. The biggest issue is that the Calhoun County Commission just appointed someone to a job that he is no where near ready for nor qualified to do…placing him clearly in a very difficult situation. Of course I am sure he wanted to be appointed again speaks to the fact that that the man is naive and ill prepared. At one point and time I was married to the 3rd youngest state trooper in West Virginia. He was 21 years old. Neither of us had any ideas of the dangers that were to be presented. Let me tell you….we learned the hard way. Thankfully God protected us for surely we were we too stupid and too arrogant to be scared and appropriately cautious. Fortunately the rifle bullet intended for him took only out his cruiser which Chrysler fixed under warranty. I promise you that these are very serious jobs and not just riding in a parade and waving at people. Prayers for this young man.

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