News Politics

Republican Executive Committee to Appoint Local Leadership

The Calhoun County Republican Executive Committee met in the Little Courtroom of the Calhoun County Courthouse, Tuesday, June 21st. Committee Chairman, Michael Fitzwater, overseen the meeting and the new formation of the local committee. The first order of business was to appoint, for the State Executive Committee approval, additional officers.

Roger Propst was appointed Co-Chairman, Shari Johnson was appointed Secretary and Amanda White was appointed Treasurer. All pending State approval. The Republican Executive Committee (REC) represents the county’s voting precincts, elects party officers, builds grassroots volunteers and has other responsibilities under West Virginia Law. Each precinct committeeman and precinct committeewoman is an elected party representative. The aforementioned appointments will be on the next Primary Election in 2024.

The Committee will meet again Tuesday, July 19, at 6 p.m. in the Little Courtroom.