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Rt33W LIVE Complete Results from July 9th, 2022

Sponsored by Groves Auto Service, Smoker Friendly, and Twister’s Garage

Ring announcer: Jonathan Darwin
Referees: Austin Bryan and Nathan Wolfe
Owner/Director: The Boss Lady JC

Preshow: The Rural Rumble Battle Royal for the Mountain Pass Medal
Nine competitors stepped forward to battle for the Mountain Pass Medal, which grants its holder a title shot at any time. Curtis Ray Goddi attempted to enter the battle royal, but was stopped by Rt33W management, as he was not cleared to compete due to injuries resulting from his bout against Gary Gandy last month. After successfully arguing his case with The Boss Lady, CRG not only entered the Rural Rumble, but emerged victorious after powering through a beat down and eliminating SinBorn.

Post-match, Sinborn threatened to beat Curtis “worse than Gary did last month.” CRG accepted the challenge and, despite his injuries, promised to wrestle Sinborn later in the night.

1)  All Natural Ashley made her Rt33W debut against “The Devine One” Olivia Devine. Ashley battered Devine with overhanded clubs and brutal kicks and stomps, but Devine powered through and destroyed her opponent with a massive sit out spinebuster for the win!

2) Despite his cracked ribs and doctor’s orders to not compete, CRG stepped up to face Sinborn in singles action. Following a failed submission attempt, Sinborn removed a turnbuckle pad to further punish his opponent, and as Referee Nathan Wolfe admonished him, CRG nailed Sinborn with a low blow and a devastating Goddi Bomb/Tiger Driver for the three count!

3) “The Notorious GMT” Gorgeous Morgan Taylor and Jeremy Rodriguez clashed in-ring for the first time since March. As the fight spilled out of the ring, Taylor nailed Rodriguez with a brutal chair shot to the gut, and then to the back, ultimately disqualifying him and handing the victory to his opponent. After the fight, Taylor stated that it was never about beating Rodriguez: “It’s about making a statement.”

4) Rt33W LIVE saw the return of “Mr. By the Book” Gaston LaRue and Tristan St. Croix. Following a steep Saito and DDT, St. Croix attempted a pop-up maneuver, but LaRue reversed it into an explosive codebreaker, securing the victory!

5) The 2022 Tag Team Tournament continued with Julien Blaze teaming up with Tortuga Fuerte to face Snakebite and Beefcake, aka. Creature Feature. The trickster Blaze opened the bout with a series of feints and dodges, but the venomous Snakebite fired back with sharp stomps and strikes, taking Blaze down to the mat. Tortuga and Beefcake went head-to-head, with the bull knocking the turtle to his back, where he was most vulnerable. Creature Feature hit a wheelbarrow double leg drop maneuver on Tortuga for the win. Their assault on Tortuga continued post-bell, until Grizzly Duncan Mcbain of The Grimy Scots chased the attackers out of the ring, leaving them with a warning: “Come August 6th … you’re gonna get ground into the dirt!”

6) The main event was a highly-anticipated triple threat between “The Babushka Baron” Jeffrey John, “The Mór of Irish Strong Style” Riley Rose, and “The King of King’s Road” AJ Alexander (c) for the Rt33W Open Weight Championship, a match in the making since May. Alexander set up a chair outside the ring to watch Rose and John compete for the first part of the match, occasionally stepping in to break up a pin, so as to not lose his title. Both men grew weary of the champion’s antics and joined forces, with John hitting Alexander with a top rope dive, and Rose following up with a topa suicida. All three men battered each other with strikes and kicks, including a huge top rope drop kick from Alexander, a diving European uppercut by John, and a thunderous Dublin driver from Rose. Rose locked in a cloverleaf on John, but Alexander rolled in and spewed poison mist in Rose’s face. As the sedative effects of the mist took hold, Alexander pinned John for the three count and retained his title.

Following his successful title defense, Alexander called out his cousin, Curtis Ray Goddi, daring him to cash in the Mountain Pass Medal for a fair one on one title bout next month. CRG accepted that challenge and raised the stakes by making it a street fight. Before exiting the arena, the champion attacked CRG with the title. “The King of King’s Road” left CRG on the mat, saying, “You want a street fight? Be my guest.”

We are in the final stretch of our 2022 season! Our final two live events of the year are:
– Rt33W LIVE – August 6th, 2022
– Rt33W LIVE – September 3rd, 2022

RSVP today! August tickets are available here: