On Tuesday, September 19th, the Calhoun County Republican Executive Committee (REC) interviewed four of the five candidates that had filed for the position of vacated Commissioner Matt Walker. Although the Executive Committee currently has no part in filling the vacancy, in accordance with section (b-d) of the Code of the State of West Virginia, that could change. The code reads: (b) If a quorum of the county commission fails to make an appointment within 30 days, the county executive committee of the same political party with which the person holding the office preceding the vacancy was affiliated at the time the vacancy occurred, shall submit a list of three legally qualified persons to fill the vacancy.(c) Within 15 days from the date on which the list is received, the county commission shall appoint a candidate from the list to fill the vacancy.(d) If the county commission fails to make the appointment within the specified time, then the county commissioner with the longest tenure shall eliminate one name from the submitted list, followed by the county commissioner with the second-longest tenure then eliminating one name from the submitted list. The name remaining after those two names have been eliminated shall be deemed to be appointed by the county commission to fill the vacancy.
With that in mind, the Calhoun REC interviewed four of the five candidates registered at that time.
- Ralph Cunningham
- Alice Holmes
- Eric Lupardus
- Ari White
The fifth Candidate, Carl Collins was unavailable. Since that time, two others have thrown their hats in race. Roger Propst of Grantsville and Dennis Spaur of Arnoldsburg has registered with the Calhoun County Clerks office for consideration of the Commissioner position.
With only two current County Commissioners to decide, Craig Arthur (Republican) and Kevin Helmick (Democrat) the decision could very well be a stalemate causing the need for the Republican Party recommendation. Commissioner Helmick said, during his decision on appointing a Sheriff, that he made his decision by “who was most electable.” Although most Republicans would wonder if Democrat Helmick was more concerned if they were electable or non-electable? And should a Commissioner who represents all people be concerned more about the electability over the qualifications of the candidate? So here we are, our county government decision making in question once again.
What exactly are the qualifications of a County Commissioner?
The primary function of the County Commission is budget development and management, overseeing purchasing for the county, management of county assets, overseeing the governing, management and protection of County and its citizens, enforcement of WV State Code and Emergency response procedures. Although that is not an exhaustive list, it is the “primary” functions.
With that criteria in mind the Calhoun REC was looking for those qualifications and concerns from the candidates interviewed. A second meeting for interviews will be held on Monday, September 25th, at 6:30 p.m. in the upstairs meeting room of the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department.
The code in it’s entirety for the appointment of Commissioner is below:
Chapter 3, Article 10, Section 7
§3-10-7. Vacancies in offices of county commissioner and clerk of county commission.
(a) Any vacancy in the office of county commissioner or clerk of county commission shall be filled by appointment by the county commission. The appointee must be a person of the same political party with which the person holding the office immediately preceding the vacancy was affiliated at the time the vacancy occurred: Provided, that at the time of appointment, the appointee must have been a member of that political party for at least 60 days prior to the occurrence of the vacancy.
(b) If a quorum of the county commission fails to make an appointment within 30 days, the county executive committee of the same political party with which the person holding the office preceding the vacancy was affiliated at the time the vacancy occurred, shall submit a list of three legally qualified persons to fill the vacancy.
(c) Within 15 days from the date on which the list is received, the county commission shall appoint a candidate from the list to fill the vacancy.
(d) If the county commission fails to make the appointment within the specified time, then the county commissioner with the longest tenure shall eliminate one name from the submitted list, followed by the county commissioner with the second-longest tenure then eliminating one name from the submitted list. The name remaining after those two names have been eliminated shall be deemed to be appointed by the county commission to fill the vacancy.