
State Senator & Former Federal Prosecutor Urges Removal of President Biden from Ballot

Highlights Concerns on Border Insurrection and Cognitive Decline

CHARLESTON, W.Va.- Former federal prosecutor, State Senator (7th), and candidate for West Virginia Attorney General Mike Stuart has called for a thorough review of President Joe Biden’s qualifications for candidacy for reelection on the West Virginia ballot.

“Biden’s ongoing invasion and insurrection on the nation’s border and the Special Counsel’s report citing serious cognitive and competency issues demands we assess President Biden’s qualification to remain as President or serve a second term,” said Stuart. “I am introducing a formal resolution this week regarding President Biden’s qualifications to remain on the West Virginia ballot.”

“President Biden’s incitement and invitation for the invasion of at least 8 million illegal migrants at the southern border is a legitimate and real insurrection,” said Stuart. “The 14th Amendment bars from office anyone who took an oath to uphold the Constitution but then engaged in insurrection against it. President Biden invited the border crisis, incited the border crisis, and has refused to uphold the Constitution.”

In addition to the invasion and insurrection at the border, Stuart has called for a thorough and immediate examination of President Biden’s competency and candidacy after the shocking announcement by the special council regarding Biden’s substantial cognitive problems. 

“President Biden clearly has serious cognitive challenges that risk the national security of all Americans,” said Stuart. “He controls the nuclear codes. He has the unilateral power to order missile launches and military assaults on allies and enemies and to compel our sons and daughters to war.  It is absolutely imperative that an immediate assessment of President Biden’s cognitive skills be assessed, and a determination made as to his competency to continue to serve as the Commander in Chief and leader of the free world.”

After a 15- month investigation into Biden’s mishandling of classified documents while he was in the United States Senate and Vice President, Special Counsel Robert Hur did not recommend criminal charges against President Biden for mishandling classified documents, citing that Biden would be difficult to convict, describing him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Stuart has called for a careful evaluation of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. The 25th Amendment provides a mechanism for the removal of a President who is deemed unfit to carry out the duties of the office. Given the concerns surrounding President Biden’s competency and decision-making, Stuart believes it is crucial to assess whether the 25th Amendment should be invoked.

“This is not a game.  This is not about partisan politics.  This is about the national security and safety of every American,” said Stuart. “The insurrection at the border coupled with President Biden’s serious cognitive decline is an imminent threat to our national security at a time when chaos reigns across the world.”

Stuart emphasized, “It is our duty to explore all avenues available to ensure that our country is led by a capable and responsible leader.”

As the United States Attorney for the Southern District of West Virginia, Stuart led the historic prosecution of corruption by justices of the West Virginia State Supreme Court of Appeals as well as record prosecutions and raids related to the opiate crisis.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Mike Stuart

State Senator (7th), candidate for WV Attorney General, former United States Attorney (SDWV)

