Community Events News Schools

Summer Activities at Calhoun Schools have Students Making Music, Friends and Beautiful Art


Crystal Toney

Today the SummerBoost students took a field trip to the Calhoun County Library.   Students were given a tour of the library.  Amy Norman, Librarian, explained the parts of the library and what all the library offers to the community.  She also read two books to the students.  One of our SummerBoost Community Service Projects for this summer included making bookmarks for the library patrons.  Students created their own book marks and presented them to the library staff.  Students were given small goodie bags, from the library staff, which included an application for a free library card.  So visit the library and check out a book!!


This week was Music Camp.  Mr. Brennan introduced the students to BoomWhackers.  For Friday Fun Day, his music campers presented a performance to show off what they have learned this week.   The students had a great time with this.  They were awesome! 

Congratulations to Brenin Pearson, Outstanding Music Camper of the week!


This week during Healthy Choices, the students have been learning how to eat nutritiously at a fast food restaurant, such as McDonald’s. Also, using the Joy of Movement students played Tail Tag.

Pleasant Hill KinderBoost took an adventure walk and spotted a baby fawn on their travels.
Students are also getting the opportunity to be creative.



Crystal Toney

JUL 19, 2022

Community Service Project:  Students made invitations for the 911 Center, Police and Fire Departments for a celebration next week in appreciation for the work and dedication to our county.

STEM Activity: The students made bouncy balls.

Emergent Reader Activity:  The students created class flowers out of blue construction paper after reading the book Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.

Music Camp:  Students will be learning about and making music with BoomWhackers.  A Boomwhacker is a musical instrument in the idiophone percussion family.  They are lightweight, hollow, color-coded, plastic tubes, tuned to a musical pitch by length.  

Attendance Awards were handed out to students for last week.