Business Government

Calhoun County Commissioners Change Date for Underwood Field Decision

Much planning has gone into the Calhoun County Commission meeting date of April 19th, 2022. Not necessarily by the Commission, but certainly by the community, press and Raising Houners Social Media Group. Area youth were excited to have their day to voice an opinion on the Wayne Underwood Field conveyance, but the Commissioners have squelched Read More…

Business News

Calhoun County’s Blueprint for the Future – The Comprehensive Plan

The following is the information from the acknowledgement page of Calhoun’s Comprehensive Plan. You’ll find the entire document at the link below: Both Calhoun County and the Town of Grantsville have participated in the comprehensive plan process. Additionally, particular individuals and groups have played an instrumental role in the creation of the Calhoun County Comprehensive Read More…

Community Events News

Raising Houners Promoting Rally at Next Calhoun County Commission Meeting

Video by Whitley Cottrell, Raising Houners member The group known as ”Raising Houners,” a social media chat group, are rallying their troops to encourage the Calhoun County Commission to vote yes on their decision to convey the Wayne Underwood Field to The 1982 Foundation. The Calhoun County Commission once again has the matter on the Read More…

Business Community Events News

Calhoun Planning Commission Moving Forward with Implementation of the New Plan

The Calhoun Planning Commission met Monday evening, April 5, 2022 at the Calhoun County Courthouse with Jesse Richardson, WVU Professor of Law and Lead Land Use Attorney to discuss the future of their Commission and their plans to further the development of the County. Mr. Richardson was well pleased with the attendance and concern of Read More…

Business Government News

The Natives are Restless and the Gauntlet Has Been Cast Down

Were we in medieval times I would half expect Crystal Mersh to ride into town upon her steed, climb the stone steps of the Calhoun County Courthouse, swing wide the iron doors of the building and enter into the presence of kings of the county and cast her gauntlet down before them proclaiming ”The decision Read More…

Community Events News Uncategorized

Community Effort Continues for Wayne Underwood Field to be Conveyed

Raising Houners, a group based on social media through Facebook Messenger, began as a chat between a few friends and now boasts 96 members online with many supporters offline. Their primary goal is to convince the Calhoun County Commission that it is in the best interest of the community to convey the Wayne Underwood Field Read More…

Community Events Government Human Interest News

Why is there So Much Attention on Mrs. Mersh?

Shari Johnson/Publisher Crystal Laughlin Mersh set up The 1982 Foundation in August of 2021. A mere 7 months ago. Since that time there have been countless emails, more than a few public meetings, multiple questions both asked and answered, a few contentious conversations and many productive conversations. I recently followed an email thread between a Read More…

Government News

The Troops have Rallied with a battle cry, ”Let it Go and Let it Grow”

Shari Johnson/Publisher Shortly before 7 a.m. today, March 17, the first post popped up on Facebook Messenger under the heading: Raising Houners. With almost 80 people on the feed, the sentiments across the board were the same, they wanted their voices heard in support of The 1982 Foundation’s plans and most importantly in support of Read More…

Government News Schools

The Ball’s Back in the Calhoun County Commission’s Court… field

Crystal Laughlin Mersh is not one to set on a decision. Perhaps this is why she has been such a success in business? Following Monday’s Calhoun County Commission Meeting, where she was told it was not the County’s decision, but rather the Calhoun Board of Education’s decision with regards to the conveyance of the Wayne Read More…


Wayne Underwood Field Still in Question with The 1982 Foundation

The Calhoun County Commission met for their regular Monthly meeting, March 14, 2022 in the Little Courtroom of the Calhoun County Co urthouse. All three Commissioners were present, County Clerk Jean Simers, as well as over 40 citizens for a standing room only crowd. Melissa O’Brien of Thompson and Litten, an Engineering-Architecture firm, brougt a second Read More…