The 1982 Foundation continues to make progress on the Calhoun County Community Center as Spring events and exciting announcements continue to come. The work crews are one room away from finishing the internal demo with the next step starting the framing on the gymnasium roof where there is rot and fixing the stage in preparation Read More…
Tag: Calhoun County Commission
Calhoun County Commission Announce Agenda
CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSION MEETINGMonday, March 14, 2022. 9:00 a.m. AGENDAMEETING ALSO BY ZOOM Meeting #5936021621 Password 1234Participate by Phone: +13126266799 or +19292056099 (Both Numbers are Toll Free)Call To Order I. Pledge of Allegiance: II. Approve Minutes: February 14, 2022 and Board of Equalization meetings: January 31, February 4, February 9, February 14, February 18 and February 24 III. Delegations/Requests: A. Melissa O’Brien, Thompson and LittenB. Crystal Mersh – 1982 Foundation Read More…
Calhoun County Commission and the Fired Up Forty
Due to a broken water line I (the Ridgeview News) missed covering one of the greatest meetings in the recent history of Calhoun County. Thursday evening, March 10th, the Calhoun County Commission held their first evening ”work” meeting for Calhoun citizens to have the opportunity to voice concerns and ask questions. Greater than 40 people Read More…
County Commissioners to hold a Public “Care and Share” Meeting this Thursday
The Calhoun County Commission will hold a open community meeting that will allow citizens to share their concerns with the commissioners and have the opportunity to be placed on the March 14th, 2022 agenda if a decision should need to be made The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in the Little Courtroom on the Read More…
Crystal Mersh Continues to Bring Hope and State Attention to Calhoun County
Below is an update from the 1982 Foundation Facebook page that shows Crystal’s passion and drive to expand on her dreams for returning home to Calhoun County: Thomas WV is a beautiful town that sits on the bank of a river with a cool vibe and beautiful little shops. Thomas is going to be a Read More…
New Legislation Proposed for Dealing with Dilapidated Dwellings
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to create mechanisms for local governments to identify and address delapidated and dangerous properties; requiring county assessor to conduct survey, and having staff receive training thereto; allowing empower county commissions and local governing bodies to compel removal of unsafe real property conditions; establishing process of designation, notice and Read More…
Not so much love at the Valentines Day County Commission Meeting
The Little Courtroom was standing room only for the Calhoun County Commission meeting on Monday at 9 a.m. with multiple representatives from the 1982 Foundation attending to address the Commission. Robin Hughes requested that the Calhoun County Commission consider changing the time of their regular monthly meeting of 10 a.m to a 6 p.m. time Read More…
Monday’s Agenda and Zoom Meeting Information for the Calhoun County Commission
CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSION MEETINGMonday, February 14, 2022 9:00 a.m. AGENDAMEETING ALSO BY ZOOM Meeting #5936021621 Password 1234Participate by Phone: +13126266799 or +19292056099 (Both Numbers are Toll Free) Call To Order:I. Pledge of Allegiance: II. Approve Minutes: January 10, 2022III. Delegations/Requests: A. 1982 Foundation – Robin Hughes – Change of Commission MeetingsB. 1982 Foundation – Crystal Mersh – Partnering With County Commission andChamber of Commerce IV. Reports A. E-911, LEPC and Read More…
Craig Arthur Announces Candidacy Platform
Hello, My name is Craig Arthur, and I am running as a Republican candidate for County Commissioner. I was born and raised here in Calhoun County. From an early age, I was taught to treat others the way God treats us. This is the most important thing in life after salvation. I have been blessed with amazing Read More…