Guest Writers News

Creston News

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion. The Creston area had snow on Saturday morning but most was gone by Sunday afternoon.  Crocuses & daffodils are starting to bloom.  Those who suffer from gout can gather the crocus pollen which is rich in colchicine, Read More…

Guest Writers News

Creston News: January Thaw uncovers Spring Hope

Rev . Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion. Creston had a “January thaw” and the snow all melted and along the Richardsonville road some chickweed is now in bloom.  Now some streams are out of their banks. The former state chairwoman had Byron Fisher Read More…

Guest Writers

Creston News: It’s the Season of Election

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. bu. Church. Tom Mowrey is still a patient at the University’s Camden Clark hospital in Parkersburg.  Back before Christmas he acquired Dr. Fauci’ s Wuhan Kung Flu virus.  Charles Russell who resides at the extended care unit of Minnie Hamilton likewise acquired the Read More…

Guest Writers News

Creston News: Gas Prices and the Price of Human Life, both are low

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Carl Ferrell is home after having open heart surgery.  Mr. & Mrs. “Cooter” Marks were among those calling at the Ferrell residence. A big crowd was on hand for the  Creston Community Building Christmas party.  The younger set spent time on Read More…

Guest Writers News

Creston News: Inflation, Government Controls and a “new” way to Administer the Jab

Local residents are adjusting to the government mandated time back to Eastern Standard Time.  Originally fast time was instituted as “War Time” so workers could work longer hours in dimly lit factories making stuff for World War II.  Those who have been out & about note that there are a few places with brightly colored oak Read More…