Community Community Events News

Calhoun Civil Air Patrol Offers Opportunities Beyond Belief

Calhoun County never ceases to amaze me at unrecognized opportunities. One such opportunity was brought to my attention recently when I was invited to attend a meeting of Calhoun’s Civil Air Patrol (CAP) program located in Grantsville. I loaded up a few Grandchildren and began attending their meetings on Tuesday night at 6 p.m. at Read More…

News Schools

Calhoun Middle High School Commencement for the Class of 2022

Class of 2022 Slide show Photos by Whitney Butler Calhoun Middle High School presented the Graduation Commencement of the Class of 20 22 in the High School Gymnasium on Friday evening at 7 p.m. Forty Seven students received diplomas for their years of hard work and accomplishments having gone through some of the strangest and Read More…