News Politics

Op-Ed: Be a Poll Worker! Warner Asks Veterans to Answer the Call of Duty

It was a bitter cold December 23rd. Battles in early 1776 had provided the Continentals hope for revolutionary success, and in July we declared our independence from Great Britain. But as winter set in, one defeat after another had George Washington’s army on the verge of dismantlement and defeat. Opposing factions severely divided the country Read More…

Government News Politics

Are you Prepared for Tomorrow’s Results?

In less than 24 hours voters will begin going to their local precincts to cast their vote. While many have made up their minds about the direction they’re voting, there are those who have not for various reasons. I personally am a registered Republican but I don’t always vote party, I vote conscience as lead Read More…

News Politics

Want a sneak peak for November 8?

Ridgeview News is Conducting a survey on the November 8th Election. Make sure your vote is counted and take a few minutes to vote. The results will be posted Friday, November 4. Final day to vote is Midnight November 3rd. Click the picture above and take a minute to make your voice heard.

News Politics

Make Sure you Know where You Go To Vote

It’s very important to know where your specific voting precinct is located. Below is the State code that describes what happens if a person votes at a precinct that they’re not registered in. It doesn’t mean your vote won’t county, but it certainly won’t count on election night when it needs to. If there are Read More…


Primary Election 2022 is One Day Away

Tomorrow morning, Tuesday May 10, West Virginia voters will begin filing into the polls across the state to narrow down the decisions for the General election this fall. The polls will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. with Ridgeview News Results posting live as the precincts come in. The offices to be voted Read More…


Who are you voting for in the West Virginia Congress Race?

Listed in the order from the Secretary of State’s website and without endorsement, below you’ll find the list of candidates currently running for West Virginia Congress in District 1 which covers Calhoun County. Each candidate is listed with their campaign photo and the platform or issues for which they’re running listed beneath it. For more Read More…

Government Opinion

It’s Time to Call Senator Manchin’s Office Again

Shari Johnson/Publisher/Opinion I do not always agree with any politician. Most, if not all have some type of agenda. But today, heavy on my heart, is the decision our Federal leaders are making with regard to the Supreme Court Justice Nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. As a West Virginian I believe we have often looked Read More…