Crystal Laughlin Mersh is not one to set on a decision. Perhaps this is why she has been such a success in business? Following Monday’s Calhoun County Commission Meeting, where she was told it was not the County’s decision, but rather the Calhoun Board of Education’s decision with regards to the conveyance of the Wayne Underwood Field, Crystal attended the Calhoun BOE meeting, just to make sure. For further clarification, at that meeting Crystal announced that should the field be conveyed to the 1982 Foundation for further development, and should that development replace fields with a swimming pool, or other such recreational facilities, her company would provide the funding for new ball fields to be built at the Calhoun County Park. Yet another benefit for the citizens of Calhoun County.
Following that meeting she received the following correspondence from Kelli Whytsell, Superintendent, who, after speaking to the school’s attorney, sent the following letter to the Calhoun County Commission.

Crystal Mersh had also spoken to Attorney, Jeff Taylor who had sent the following correspondence to the Calhoun County Commission, regarding viable options and support for the conveyance.
Calhoun County Commission Honorable Matthew Walker Honorable Kevin Helmick Honorable Michael Hicks PO Box 230 Grantsville, West Virginia 26147 Dear Commissioners: March 11, 2022 Via Facsimile: 304-354-6447 Re: Wayne Underwood Field Property I write to you today as a proud former citizen of Calhoun County. I grew up in Grantsville and attended the old Calhoun County High School graduating from there in 1985. Much of my family still resides in Calhoun County and I also have too many friends there to be able to count them. In short, although I have made the decision to now make my home in Fairmont, West Virginia, I still have a sacred place in my heart for Calhoun County and its many fine citizens. I am not unmindful of the difficult task that each of you have as being elected to the Calhoun County Commission. In my lifetime of 55 years, I am only aware of two citizens from our county being elected to the state legislature. It is difficulty to accomplish much at the county level, when you do not have dedicated support at the state level where all of the money, infrastructure and power is distributed throughout our state. Elected officials in Calhoun Count have for years spent countless hours trying to attract new business and jobs to our county. Attracting businesses is a hard sell when Calhoun County is the only county in our state that does not have a railroad, a four-lane highway, or even a traditional stop light. Frankly, our county has been neglected and ignored by the power brokers in Charleston for several generations. Contrast our past with what we all are witnessing with the creation of the 1982 Foundation, Inc. The Foundation has purchased the old Calhoun County High School. Prior to its purchase by the Foundation, the building was slowly, but surely crumbling to the ground. In just a few short months since purchasing the old Calhoun High School we have all witnessed the incredible transformation of the school and the surrounding property. The old Calhoun High School is now secure. It has a future. It is being maintained. It is being rebuilt and improved. And most importantly, the plans for the High School will benefit EVERYONE in our community. The 1982 Foundation is not afraid of dreaming and planning to do BIG things for Calhoun County and its citizens. The improvements being made by the Foundation with the old high school has served to allow all citizens of Calhoun County, and all former alumni, to be thankful, be proud, be hopeful, and to look for positive growth in our future. The amount of support for the Foundation from the local community, both financially and in-kind, is unmatched in our recent history. The Foundation is not just promising to transform the old high is doing it, and the people of Calhoun County, can see that progress is being made. The level of enthusiasm for this project is greater than I have ever witnessed. The original property at the old high school included the Old Wayne Underwood football field, the baseball field, the bus garage, and the band booster building. The Foundation has made no secret that it needs to also own this property to be able to accomplish all of its goals and improvements planned for the citizens of Calhoun County. This old football field property was previously conveyed by the Calhoun Board of Education to this Honorable Commission. Based upon my past conversations with each of you, I believe that the Commission would support the Foundation owning this property if we could establish a way to convey the property that would be in compliance with state law. Based upon my recent conversations with Chief Deputy West Virginia Attorney General Doug Buffington, Deputy West Virginia Attorney General John Gray, Mitch Carmichael, Director of the West Virginia Economic Development Authority, and based upon my own review of the West Virginia Code, I am of the opinion that we can accomplish the conveyance of this property to the 1982 Foundation, Inc. in the following manner. West Virginia Code 7-3-3 (b)(2) expressly permits a County Commission to sell or dispose of county owned property to the State of West Virginia or to another political subdivision. Accordingly, the Calhoun County Commission is permitted to convey (by sale or gift) the property in question to the State of West Virginia. The conveyance of the property from this would be to the West Virginia Economic Development Authority. This proposed conveyance would have to be reviewed and approved for acceptance by the West Virginia Board of Public Works. The economic development authority could then convey the property back to the 1982 Foundation, Inc. with the approval of Governor and the West Virginia Board of Public Works. It is my opinion that the pathway described above is a viable and legal manner to allow the 1982 Foundation to become the future owner of the Old Wayne Underwood Football Field property. I would encourage this Honorable Commission to have its own conversations about this proposed conveyances with Mr. Doug Buffington, Mr. John Gray, and with Mr. Mitch Carmichael. I am also available to discuss the matters addressed in this letter if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Thank you for your service to the citizens of Calhoun County. JDT/jr Very Truly Yours, Jeffery D. Taylor
The Calhoun County Commission is now task with the decision of what is to transpire with the Wayne Underwood Field. This matter will once again be put on the Commission Agenda for discussion at the April 11, 2022 meeting. Those with an opinion on the matter are encouraged to contact their county commissioners and attend the meting for input.