Guest Writers

The “Bunk” about AI

By Gaylen Duskey

I hear people today talking about Artificial Intelligence and how it will control our lives and how dangerous it is. And how it is so much superior to our own intelligence.

To which I say “bunk.”

According to the online Encyclopedia Britannica ( this is Artificial Intelligence: 

Artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience. Since the development of the digital computer in the 1940s, it has been demonstrated that computers can be programmed to carry out very complex tasks—such as discovering proofs for mathematical theorems or playing chess—with great proficiency. Still, despite continuing advances in computer processing speed and memory capacity, there are as yet no programs that can match full human flexibility over wider domains or in tasks requiring much everyday knowledge. On the other hand, some programs have attained the performance levels of human experts and professionals in performing certain specific tasks, so that artificial intelligence in this limited sense is found in applications as diverse as medical diagnosis, computer search engines, voice or handwriting recognition, and chatbots.”

What that long rigamarole explanation says, though most folks miss, is that the AI is only as intelligent as the information fed into it — by humans.

There is a saying that goes “garbage in, garbage out” that is so telling because that is exactly what has happened on some AI machines already in action.

Take the AI used by internet giant Google.

They’re ain’t no white people there.

True. They’re ain’t no white people there.

George Washington is black. The pope is black or female. Even Nazi soldiers are black or Asian.


Basically, because Google’s AI named Genesis refused to produce white people because white privilege was not good, and Genesis wanted to change things to the way things “should” be.

And in doing so Genesis decided that a conservative web site that made fun of liberals was just as evil as former Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin who was responsible for millions of deaths perhaps as many as 10 million.

Even when asked whether pedophilia is wrong Genesis answered: “”The question of whether pedophilia is ‘wrong’ is multifaceted and requires a nuanced answer that goes beyond a simple yes or no.”


Why is this AI so wrong about so many things?

Because of the old computer saying, “garbage in, garbage out.”

The people doing the programming of the AI (those putting in the intelligence) happened to be totally against “white privilege” and many other accepted truths and their bias became part of Genesis’ intelligence.

Or in this case lack of intelligence. That lack of intelligence is appalling. And, along with being funny it is scary.

According to “Google and others have been struggling to solve a known problem in AI which is that without some guidance, tools will naturally generate stereotypical images based on the data they are trained on. That data comes from people, and people have prejudices.”

For some reason the developers of most AI applications seem to lean to the liberal side of the political equation perhaps because the liberal side the equation seems to be “we are smarter than you and we will do things better than you.”

If that ideology persists and as long as AI is only as good as the person that inputs the “intelligence” AI will be flawed and we (everybody in the world) need to know and understand this.

Because if we don’t, we will easily be led astray.

WHAT JOSEF STALIN SAID: The former Soviet dictator reportedly said: “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.”

But Snopes – the grandaddy of all fact checkers – had to investigate it and came up with the following quote it attributed to Stalin: “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.

Snopes said that the statement was made about the Soviet politburo, so it didn’t count because I was not about a public election.


Hogwash is all that every lying fact checking entity in the world gives you. Frankly fact checkers are the lowest of the low in journalism because they are the people who could not write well enough to be writers or edit well enough to be editors, so they decide to give you the facts as they see them. And that is usually wrong.

AND THE ROCK STAR SAID: In 1969 Doors lead sing the late Jim Morrison said: “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.”

And he was right. But let’s go a step farther Congressman Francis E. Walter of Pennsylvania, Chair of the House Un-American Activities Committee used an instance during a speech in July 1956 to say: “The Communists know that movie screens and television channels are weapons of far greater potential power than any of the nuclear devices whose secrets we guard so jealously.

“Control of the media of communication and information means the control of the mind, and for the Communists this would mean a victory of far greater importance than victory on a dozen battlefields of war.”

And who controls the “mainstream” media? The left. The liberals. The national democrat party. Sometime just read or listen to the “mainstream media and see if you cannot see the lies and bias.

If you can’t my friend, you are blind.

In 2020 the election was stolen as the left counted the votes, technology such as Goodge and Facebook directed people away from the theft and the “mainstream” media covered it up and persecuted those who disagreed. On top of that the deep state prosecuted the dissenters.

It was the perfect storm, and the result was three years of hell with a doddering old puppet pretending to be in charge as his leftists handlers lead us down a road toward ruin.

Now it is 2024 and us, the people, are once again in a battle between us and the deep state, the ruling elite and the MSM for this country. It is a populist fight and it is a fight we cannot lose.

So let’s be vigilant for the steal attempt that is sure to come and thwart it. With a conservative sweep of the presidency, senate and house America can be saved. Or, as the saying goes, we can Make America Great Again.

Until next time stay safe but don’t live life in a bubble.
