Shari Johnson/Publisher
Shortly before 7 a.m. today, March 17, the first post popped up on Facebook Messenger under the heading: Raising Houners. With almost 80 people on the feed, the sentiments across the board were the same, they wanted their voices heard in support of The 1982 Foundation’s plans and most importantly in support of their children and grandchildren.
Many on the Messenger feed were not aware of the logistics of what is taking place between the Calhoun County Commission, the Calhoun Board of Education and the 1982 Foundation. But some had done their homework regarding the matter of the deed, laws of government owned property and the responsibility of the parties involved and quickly provided documents and information to fill the group in. They’ve spent the day, very civilly, determining the direction their group would go. Some are frustrated to the point of wanting a Commissioner or two impeached, feeling that they’re not listening to the community that elected them. Those were pointed to the code of ethics and how to determine if the commissioners have breached it. Others felt, that although the code mentioned that the property would revert back to the school, it also provided alternative solutions of dealing with real property that the group did not think the County Commission and the Prosecutor had looked into far enough. Such as allowing the property to be purchased by another State entity. The questions come easy, but not always the answers.
The first choice of action today was to write the commissioners via email and let them know that they, as citizens of the county, want to see the property given to the 1982 Foundation for development. Matt Walker was the first to respond:

Commissioner Kevin Helmick chose to private message Jasmine Quick-McGlothlin regarding her post on the 1982 Foundation Page:

Other comments on the feed came from passionate citizens who long to see Calhoun County become a fruitful community for their children.
Dana Ferrell wrote:

Natasha McCumbers wrote:

Multiple other comments came in throughout the day and all bearing a similar opinion, they want change and they’re willing to do what it takes to make it known and hopefully make a difference.
Whitley Cottrell wrote:

As publisher I encourage everyone in the community to come to the Town Hall Meeting at 1 p.m., March 26 at the Calhoun Community Center. From both sides. Come in peace and kindness… this nation has had enough anger. But come prepared to tell your elected officials what you expect from them.

It just feels like if a commissioner wants to make a public point, it would be better if they used correct grammar. Just saying.