Community Events News

Town Hall Meeting today at the Calhoun County Community Center

The 1982 Foundaion and Ridgeview News are hosting an opportunity for the citizens of Calhoun County to make their concerns known to those who have been or will be elected to serve in a public office for the citizens of Calhoun County.

At 1:00 p.m. today Crystal Mersh, President of the 1982 founation and Kyerstan Perkins, filling in for the Ridgeview News Publisher, who had a prior engagement will be opening up the discussion in hopes of creating workng conversations that will create positive changes in Calhoun County.

Everyone in the community is encouraged to attend, let their voice be heard and hear from those in our community who are the movers and shakers of positivity and helping to create progress through economic opportunity and promotion of the wonderful things Calhoun County has to offer.