Charleston, W.Va. – The latest in a string of three illegal voting convictions has been announced by WV Secretary of State Mac Warner.
Jack Vaughan, a resident of Kanawha County, has pleaded guilty to illegal voting in the 2020 General Election. In 2020, Vaughan voted in two states using absentee ballots – once in Florida and again in West Virginia.
The case was handled by Kanawha County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Jennifer Crane, and the investigation was conducted by Investigator Bill Seckman of the WV Secretary of State’s Office at the direction of the Secretary of State’s Investigation Division Director Kimberly Mason.
While only a misdemeanor offense at the time of Vaughan’s crime, state legislation that was passed in 2022 now makes illegal voting a felony in the state of West Virginia. In accordance with his guilty plea, Kanawha County Circuit Court Judge James Rowe sentenced Vaughan to pay a fine of $100.00 plus court costs.
“We are pleased to have worked with the West Virginia legislature to make illegal voting now a felony,” said Secretary Warner. “Technology and data sharing between states makes it easier than ever to catch those who attempt to vote illegally with absentee ballots.”
Vaughan’s conviction marks the third this year for illegal voting in the 2020 election, all of which involved voting by absentee ballot in two separate states. Since 2017, Secretary Warner has made bolstering the Investigations Division a priority to prosecute election crimes and restore confidence in voters.
“If you’re going to cheat in an election in West Virginia, we are going to catch you and see that you are prosecuted,” said Secretary Warner.
To report a possible election violation or voter fraud, call toll-free at (877) FRAUD-WV or text “WV” to 45995 to complete a mobile complaint form from our office.
You can learn more about the election process in West Virginia by going to the WV Secretary of State’s secure website at