
Was Trump’s Term a Time of Peace & Prosperity?

By Deirdre Purdy

I live deep in MAGA country where my local critics regularly inform me just how wrong I am.  I try to figure out if they’re onto something – or not. 

As a regular theme, they will vote for Trump again because his first term was a time of unrivaled peace and prosperity.  

A quick look back shows that Trump says it – and what he says, they believe, whether true or not.


Trump – “There were no terrorist attacks while I was president.”

Domestic terrorism, which had been declining prior to 2016, increased by over 7,000 cases or 490%, starting with – and as a result of – the Trump administration.

January 6, 2021, was a massive act of domestic terrorism.

There was also foreign terrorism during the Trump administration.

In 2017, an assailant driving a rental truck crashed into a bike path in Manhattan, killing 8 and injuring 13.  ISIL claimed responsibility.  

In 2019, a member of the Saudi Air Force opened fire on a classroom at the Naval Air Base in Pensacola, Florida, killed 4 and injuring 8.

Five other foreign terror attacks in the US during Trump’s administration are reported in the Global Terrorism Database.  

Trump: “I’m the first president in 72 years not to have any wars.”

That would be Jimmy Carter who never declared war or sought authorization to use force.  Not a single soldier died in hostile action during his presidency.

At least 65 active-duty troops died in hostile action in Iraq and Syria during Trump’s presidency.


Trump has said more than 500 times, We had the greatest economy in the history of our country, probably the greatest economy in the history of the world,

By gross domestic product (GDP), Presidents Eisenhower, Johnson, and Clinton all substantially topped Trump’s tepid 2.3%.  

Trump: “We did the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country.”

Trump’s tax cut, as a percentage of GDP, is the eighth largest tax cut and smaller than two tax cuts passed under Obama.

Trump: “We were starting to pay off the national debt.”  The US debt increased $7.8 trillion during Trump’s presidency.

The Trump administration did enjoy low inflation and thus low interest rates (continuing Obama’s economy) until Covid supply bottlenecks caused world-wide inflation, which was answered by raising interest rates.  Action by the Biden administration has brought inflation under control, so the US is looking forward to lowering interest rates this year. 


The Trump administration deserves credit for Operation Warp Speed, the rapid development of Covid vaccines, though Trump can’t take credit for it because his MAGA base despises vaccines.  

As president, Trump refused to take the pandemic seriously. His anti-vaxx, anti-mask, and anti-science statements and attitudes weakened public health in the US in ways that continue to degrade national wellness.

As the pandemic began, Trump downplayed Covid.  January 2020: “We have it totally under control.”  “By April, it miraculously goes away.” 

Refusing to lead, Trump denied the main personal protection device available at the time.  April 2020: “Wearing a face mask … somehow I don’t see it for myself.” March 2020: “I don’t take responsibility at all” 

Against the advice of scientists, he recommended hydroxychloroquine as “a great thing to try” and ultraviolet light inside the body as a treatment.

In May, with 80,000 Americans dead and 38 million jobless claims filed, Trump denied reality: “The coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better, going down almost everywhere.”

By June, the US with 4% of the world population had 25% of the cases and the second highest per capita death rate in the world.  July 2020: “I think we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world.”

Trump blamed the Centers for Disease Control. “The number of deaths is far exaggerated because of CDC methods.”  Dr. Fauci: “The deaths are real deaths.”

The Republican anti-mask and anti-vaccine message has led to a 43% higher excess death rate among Republican than Democratic voters after vaccines became available.  This seems like a poor long-term plan.

Trump brags about his appointment of three Supreme Court justices chosen for their anti-abortion stance who thenoverturned Roe v. Wade.  Mothers who live in states that have since banned abortion are up to three times more likely to die during pregnancy.

Trump’s was an administration of authoritarian aspirations and inadequate resources (hearts and minds).  The economy was tepid, peace was threatened by domestic terrorism (a threat that continues to grow), and Covid mismanagement created an ongoing public health emergency.

It’s helpful to look back at what actually happened during Trump’s administration.  Let’s balance that against what’s happening now.

Last week consumer confidence soared 28% among people of all political parties.  The stock market hit record highs.  The Biden administration has added 14 million new jobs.  Unemployment has been under 4% for 25 months.  Inflation is controlled.  Wages are finally rising.  GDP was 4.9% in the third quarter of 2023 and 3.1% for the year.  

Let’s give prosperity four more years.  Vote for Biden and give him a Democratic Congress.
