Weekend Winds create Havoc in Creston while Windy Politicians create Havoc in Government
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Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.
The Creston Community Easter party will be held at 2 P. M. on Sunday, April 2 at the Creston Community Building with a covered dish dinner. Folks should contact either Kathleen or Barb as what one is bringing.
The Creston Neighborhood Watch had a litter pickup on W. Va. 5 on Saturday and gathered 16 bags of litter. Some good lug nuts were found as was the base [fancy] for a kerosene lamp. Eli Ferrell was excited to get to participate as he had turned 12, the minimum age for helping.
The Little Kanawha River & the West Fork both came up and it appears that the only loss was by poor Mother Goose when her nest was washed away.
On Saturday Creston & environs had high wind, especially on higher elevations. Clay Rader had some “rearranged” shingles and Sheena Dooley lost her porch roof [just after they stepped inside]. Barb Wright found roofing in her lawn and she is not noted for having stuff laying around. Some of the cedars in the Beatty cemetery were damaged as was a tree in Clarke Wilson’s lawn. The roof blew off Tom West’s barn and there were trees down everywhere with folks out of electric and there were wildfires in places, some likely caused by downed electric lines. The power company noted that some folks might not have electric service until Tuesday.
The spring peepers have joined in the local amphibian evening choral events making for pleasant listening. Spring beauties, bluets, dog toothed violets, anemones, Barbara Bush’s & Jerry Poling’s peach trees are all adding to the spring colors. Some new kittens have also arrived.
There was big excitement in Creston on Thursday and the state road heavy maintenance crew closed the Ann’s Run road to remove the two culverts at the mouth of Pete’s Run & replace them with one. Pete’s Run was named after Revolutionary War soldier & patriot Peter McCune. Both of the removed culverts were intact and functional but, apparently on instruction “from on high” the removed culverts were destroyed.
The WVU Energy Institute said we had to “act now” to “save the planet”. Two percent [2%] of the world’s pollution comes from America and we must stop while Hunter’s buddies continue to build coal fired power plants. Morgan King said “methane awareness” was a good thing for now there would be hired a phalanx of inspectors to look for natural gas leaks. Delegate Evan Hanson said that more inspectors would be hired [by the taxpayers] to force the gas companies to hire more men to “fix the leaks”. It would seem that some don’t understand that the intent is to sell natural gas, not vent it to the atmosphere as is done in Nigeria & other third world countries. Speaking of natural gas because of the banking uncertainty the Henry Hub price dropped to $2.17/MMBTU.
The state road biggies took umbrage when private property owners complained about the out of state contractors were caught cutting trees that were not even near the road. This was after the trees in the Burning Springs oilfield park had been butchered. Now potholes in I-77 & I-79, why no big deal, they will all be fixed by Decoration Day, plugged culverts or culverts with the bottoms rusted out, so what, unsafe bridges, well there are other routes, bear wallows on the back roads, if folks had any sense they’d move away from there. Why, don’t you know we care about core maintenance or at least we give it lip service but now when it involves giving large sums of taxpayer money to out of state “friends” for specious activities, now that is when we get serious. Some like to watch Count Dracula movies and the count was based on a real life fellow named Vlad Tepes who ruled in Transylvania. He would impale his enemies of sharpened stakes that look like many of the small trees along W. Va. 14.
It was learned that Mitch McConnell and the deep state uniparty have all decided that Jim Justice should be the man to retire Broadway Joe, or Maserati Joe as he is called down in the lower Potomac swamps. Mr. Mitch has made it clear that he only wants Republican senators who answer to him, not their state’s citizens. It was noted that Justice has a lot of money so he could run a big campaign. Yes, he does have a lot of money, some of which might not pass close inspection as to the source. Details available upon request.
The comely Kim was visiting her mother Wilma Mowrey. She is still awaiting treatment for kidney stones.
Local folks continue to visit with their medical professionals and viruses are still out and about. Now, it is clear that Dr. Fauci sent taxpayer funds to the germ warfare lab in Wuhan as the Big Eared One had told him to stop “gain of function” research in the US. It should be noted that Dr. Fauci last practiced medicine in 1963 and that he never was a virologist. He was a bureaucrat or administrator and politician who rewarded those who said the “right things”. Now one can talk about what happened and the CDC [Centers for Disease Control] VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Registry System] has some figures showing that as a result of “taking the shot” there were 18,000 heart attacks, 26,000 myocarditis & pericarditis incidents, 64,000 permanent disabilities, 5,000 miscarriages & 34,000 deaths. Now, the same fine folks want us to take an annual shot and require the vaccine for infants & children who have almost no risk, Of course on has to “follow the money”. Big Gates, a proponent of vaccines and world depopulation said the return on investments in vaccines was 20 to one. Not too bad.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude is $68.26/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet fetching just $52.26/bbl. Marcellus & Utica light brought $59.26 medium $68.26/bbl.
ARNOLDSBURG, W.Va. – Roane General Hospital announced Monday the opening of its long-anticipated Arnoldsburg Medical Clinic is slated for Monday, October 2nd. The clinic will offer a multi-specialty team of healthcare providers with primary care, cardiology, and walk-in services. “Roane General has served patients from Arnoldsburg and surrounding communities over our 53 years,” Doug Bentz, chief executive officer of Roane General Hospital, said. “Having this new clinic will bring care closer to home for residents of the Read More…
The 1982 Foundation held their third annual Recovery Month Event on the campus of Avalon, Saturday, September 21st, 2024. Event organizer, Aaron Spaur has been no stranger to the struggles of addiction but in celebrating his 13th year of sobriety, he now shares hope with those who stand along side him in recovery, and those Read More…
Have you ever visited the biggest car museum in West Virginia? Did you even know it existed? Cliff Weese of Harrisville, WV slowly but surely accumulated the largest collection in West Virginia and one of the most interesting of collections for automobile lovers or almost anyone! The 13,000 sq. ft. building houses predominately West Virginia collectables Read More…