As the ongoing saga of Commissioner Kevin Helmick continues month after month, it appears that he is not the only elected official who feels they’re not accountable to the citizenry of Calhoun County.
In a Keynote address by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General of the United States, in 1979 he said “The accountability chain between the electorate and elected officials is a vital, indispensable element of democratic government. We must continue to develop ways of increasing citizen involvement in the process. Whatever can be achieved in this direction is clearly worth the effort.”
A sentiment not shared by Commissioner Helmick nor Sheila Garretson, Circuit Clerk.
While the number of people who appears at Calhoun County Commission meetings may not be large by comparison to the number of voters, every voter may have their day of frustration when trying to conduct business at the Calhoun County Courthouse. It was Pauline Ferrell’s day of frustration on Monday, when she attempted to file a complaint on the behavior of Kevin Helmick.
She first contacted the WV County Commissions Association and the WV Ethics Commission who, after she explained the incident regarding Commissioner Helmick’s behavior, told her that they could unfortunately not do anything about it through their agencies. They advised her to call the Calhoun County Circuit Clerk and begin her process there. Following their advice she phoned Mrs. Garretson’s office and ask her how to get Helmick removed from office. Mrs. Garretson informed Pauline that she was “Not discussing it,” and hung up the phone. Undeterred, Pauline called the Circuit Clerk again saying “Sheila, the reason I called you to begin with is because I spoke with the WV County Commissioner’s Association and the WV Ethics Commission and said to start with the Circuit Clerk or the WV State Auditor’s office. Shelia Garretson’s second response was “I’m not getting in the middle of this and ‘you people’ need to leave it alone, you have no idea what you’re doing, now good bye.” Hanging up on Pauline again.
When did this become acceptable behavior from an elected official? Officials who are paid very well in comparison to other salaries across the community, by tax dollars of tax payers, many of whom have to survive on much less.
- Assessor, Jason Nettles, $57,803
- County Clerk, Jean Simers, $53,222
- Sheriff, Warren Basnett, $50,436
- Commissioner, Michael Hicks $27,350
- Commissioner, Kevin Helmick, $27,350
- Commissioner, Matthew Walker, $27,350
- Circuit Clerk, Sheila Garretson, $53,222
- Prosecuting Attorney, Nigel Jeffries, $98,336
What Pauline Ferrell requested of Sheila Garretson, under the advisement of a State official, was not unreasonable. Whether or not Garretson agreed with what was being requested, wasn’t apart of her job. The Circuit Clerk is an officer within the judicial system, and is the registrar, recorder and custodian of all pleadings, documents and funds pertaining to cases filed in Circuit and Family Courts. No where does it say she on her own can determine the worthiness of a case filing.
According to an article on SCU.EDU regarding “Where is the line between a politician’s personal and public life?” Judy Nadler and Miriam Schulman wrote:
Everyone, including public figures, is entitled to privacy. But when a person goes into public life, he or she must understand: Certain issues that might be considered private for a private individual can become matters of reasonable public interest when that individual runs for office. Becoming a public servant means putting the public’s interest ahead of your own.
What does that look like in practice? Everyone will draw the line between personal and public in a slightly different place, but generally, if a private matter affects the performance of the officeholder’s duties, most people would agree that it is no longer private. So, for example, the president of the United States submits to a yearly physical, which is made public, because his or her health is of such key importance to the nation. Similarly, illnesses that affect job performance of local officials may be legitimate subjects of inquiry. Behaviors that might impede performance, like substance abuse, are matters of public interest. Financial problems, especially in a person with budgetary responsibilities, may be germane.
Because a politician represents the public, constituents will be better represented if he or she practices the virtues of honesty and trustworthiness in both personal and private life. The reputation of local officials may have an important impact on the business climate of the city or public support for local initiatives, so the personal behavior of politicians may become a legitimate area of public concern.
What a novel concept, “Putting the public’s interest ahead of your own.”
So to answer the question, “Who are you people,” We the People of the United States (Calhoun County, WV included), in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Mrs. Garretson’s tone was construed by Pauline Ferrell as rude, abusive and inconsiderate of a citizen of the county.
While this article will no doubt be accused as written in biased prose, it is written in defense of the rights of the citizenry of Calhoun County that has been plagued by public officials who have not been held accountable for decades. We are a busy people with lives of our own who entrusted our government with our best interest, but no more. It is unfortunate that the powers that be in this community conduct business in such a discriminatory manner as to believe they have the right to treat people with disrespect that is nothing short of malfeasance of office.
The Ridgeview News had to resort to using the “freedom of information act” to merely get the listing of divorces, a public record, from Mrs. Garretson’s office earlier this year. The matters of this article are true. They are not written to incite strife. They are not written for division as has been accused. They’re are written to remind us that it is we the people who pay them. It is they who serve us.

I wish the political party would stand by the constitution and not because they are friends. What goes on in office shouldn’t matter whether they are friends or not cause that doesn’t stop them being friends. Thats her job to follow the rules that is set for her.
The means for removing a county, school district or municipal officer is set out in West Virginia Code section 6-6-7, which you can google. Officials may be removed for “official misconduct, neglect of duty, incompetence or for any of the causes or on any of the grounds provided by any other statute.” The county circuit clerk is not involved in the legal process. (Ms. Ferrell was apparently misinformed.) The county prosecuting attorney is the appropriate official to contact under the statute. A petition for removal can also be presented. I would note that the First Amendment is a defense to any action for removal if I correctly understand the grounds alleged.