2ndĀ Annual Clover Ridge Coyote Roundup March 4-6, 2022 Check-in: March 6 at 2pm Clover-Roane Volunteer Fire Department 3909 Clay Road, Spencer, WV 25276 For a list of rules, regulations and how to participate, please seeĀ theĀ Clover Ridge Coyote Roundup . Facebook pageĀ or callĀ (304) 514-1295. Public welcome.
The CCCOA invites everyone to attend a presentation given by Minnie Hamilton as they discuss services offered. If you would like to join us for lunch during the presentation, please call ahead and register so we can have a proper meal count for the kitchen
PUBLIC NOTICE OF A MEETINGWVU-ROANE COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COMMITTEE SPENCER, WEST VIRGINIALocation: Roane County Library110 Parking PlazaSpencer, WV (masks required)orVirtual Option: (Zoom Software) https://wvu.zoom.us/j/98902766616?pwd=Vk5FSnJDNDU4djlNWkwveTNXcjBSUT09 Meeting ID: 989 0276 6616Passcode: Garden2023NOne tap mobile+13017158592, 98902766616# US (Washington DC) +13052241968,,98902766616# USIf you must join by phone only, please use the following:877 853 5257 US Toll-free 888 475 4499 Read More…