Government News

WVPSC hearing held in Grantsville to Determine Jurisdiction

A short hearing was held today in Grantsville with the West Virginia Public Service Commission, before Administrative Judge Keith George. Attorney Jonathan Stanley appeared on behalf of the Town of Grantsville, with Mayor Robert Petrovsky present and Eric Lupardus representing the citizens of Grantsville to determine if the West Virginia PSC had jurisdiction to hear the complaint filed by the residents of the Town of Grantsville to remove the increase.

Attorney Stanley requested that the case be dismissed stating that the Town believed that the required number of signatures contesting the rate increase had not been met, (25% of the customer base) but then stated that they would disregard that issue after more signatures were collected within the 30 days. They did however want a dismissal stating they did not believe that Eric Lupardus had the right to file the complaint, because he was not a customer of the Town of Grantsville water system, nor was he an Attorney. 

Mr. Lupardus, stated that he was there to represent many of the elderly residents in the town who did not feel comfortable filing such a complaint.  The Judge informed Attorney Stanley that the PSC did not require complainants to be Attorney’s, but requested that an actual customer be present to offer up the Petition. At that time, Crystal Mersh, who is a customer on the Grantsville Water system offered to present the petition and was accepted. 

Attorney Stanley requested a continuance on the hearing to which the Judge responded that he did not make a persuasive enough argument for that to occur. It was then determined by the Judge that the West Virginia PSC had jurisdiction to hear the case and it would continue. The City will now be required to provide evidence that the emergency rate increase was justified. If it is proven that the increase was not justified the town will be required to repay any money collected as a part of that increase. 

The hearing was adjourned.


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