
Your Road to Independence Starts at ACIL

”Independent living is not doing things by yourself. It is being in control of how things are done.”Judy Heumann

Emily Robinson of Grantsville works for the Appalachian Center for Independent Living. (ACIL) Although she lives in Grantsville, her office is based in Charleston, West Virginia serving the Counties Braxton, Calhoun, Doddridge, Nicholas, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Wirt, and Wood. Coworker Britany serves: Boone, Clay, Greenbrier, Jackson, Kanawha, Putnam, Roane, and Webster.

The facilities, staff and activities of the ACIL are focused on assisting people to take control of their lives. Control means making plan and taking risks. Through their program, persons with disabilities are given the opportunity to gain the knowledge and courage to take those risks.

Over half of both the staff and board of directors are persons with disabilities, thereby assuring that the organization is guided by those who use their services. Services that are available to persons of all ages and incomes with a self-disclosed disability.

Advocacy Services encourage people to work with legislators and decision makers to achieve equivalent access for those with a disability. Consumers learn to advocate for themselves and remove barriers that they feel keep them from living the lifestyle they choose.

ACIL provides training for Independent Living Skills. This helps people gain or relearn the skills they need to live independently in their own environment. Peer counselors are uniquely qualified to help others by sharing their similar experiences and serving as a role model and connecting service recipients with services and resources that they may need.

Direct services provided by ACIL are:

Link-up: Matching people who need specific new or used equipment to meet their independent needs.

Community Living Services Program: Provides distribution of funds (home Mods, Adaptive Equipment/Devices). A program available in all 55 West Virginia Counties.

Support Groups: Providing an opportunity for peer support through the exchange of ideas, experiences and information.

ACIL not only provides services for those that are disabled, but for those who work with persons of disabilities. ACIL provides housing education and consulting services to builders, realtors, and landlords on housing needs and standards for people with disabilities. For the consumers ACIL maintains a list of accessible housing and available subsidies. Workshops and presentations are provided on disability issues to business, schools and civic organizations.

Individuals with disabilities are not charged for services from ACIL. Their major funding comes from grants from the Department of Education and other organizations.

If you or someone you know could benefit from the services provided by ACIL call 1-800-642-3003.
