Community Events News

1982 Foundation’s Letter to Commissioners

On Dec 27, 2021 Crystal Mersh sent the letter below to the Calhoun County Commission, advising them of her company’s plan to develop business opportunities in Calhoun County, and requesting the Calhoun County Commission to take action by placing the matter on January’s meeting agenda. The “County’s Plan” is item three on next Monday’s agenda, which Crystal Mersh will be in attendance to listen and share her thoughts and hopes for her new home address.

The County Commission’s response is also posted below Crystal’s letter, and she, as well as Ridgeview News encourage community input on this exciting new direction our county is taking.

Dear Commissioners,

As you are aware, The 1982 Foundation is keenly supportive of economic development within Calhoun and WV at large.  In the New Year, we will be working with the WV Chamber of Commerce on a campaign to bring former West Virginians back to WV, and I would like for us to also have a heavy focus on Calhoun.

Thank you for sharing the draft County Plan.  I have now read it a few times and I think it presents a lot of possibility. I want you to know that we are interested in supporting economic development, specifically those matters related to technology infrastructure, jobs, housing development and educational/childrens’ programs.  And as we do these things, we want to do it in a manner that adds to the development of Calhoun by supporting existing local businesses in Calhoun, as much as possible .  

As I mentioned, I am moving back to Calhoun effective January and bringing my consulting business with me…..once I have a few more tax matters pinned down with the state.  We will do all we can to bring jobs to the county over time, but our firm is highly specialized and the skill set just doesn’t exist in the county for the bulk of our roles. But, as the broadband matter is solved and speed improves, we will have even more opportunities.  

This is just a small part of what is possible.  We have other ventures developing that could be interesting.  Even more importantly, I do think we can attract other businesses to the county, if we can make progress on some of the plans you have and providing we can get incentives in place to attract business.

In order to fully evaluate the opportunity and your interest in participating, I would suggest that this topic gets added to the January agenda.  The first order of business would be to get an update on the County Plan, progress and issues that need to be addressed to continue to move forward.  This could be a very good thing for Calhoun in more ways than one.  I am committed to helping in any way I can, both personally and professionally.

Please let me know your thoughts on this topic and/or if there is another meeting already in place where the county plan is be discussed.

We would also need clarification on the county financial reporting process, and to look at options for improving the financial situation, and it’s visibility, in order to attract business.  I know that you are already working on this, but we will need to have it well in hand.  I am also happy to help in any way I can on this topic as well.

I look forward to working with you as we advance opportunities for the county.  

All my very best,  


PS. On the matter of the football field, we are still evaluating and hope to have a few final options for you to consider soon.  

Calhoun County Commissioners Response:


Discussion of the county plan can be added to the January agenda. 
Thanks, Michael 

Cc: Matthew Walker, Kevin Helmick