News Schools

Glenville State University Celebrates Monumental Milestone: $1,000,000 Raised! 

Glenville, WV – Glenville State University has raised over $1,000,000 in donations during its seventh annual Founders Day of Giving fundraising campaign.   “We are absolutely thrilled to share this incredible news with our entire Glenville community,” said Glenville State President, Dr. Mark A. Manchin. “This achievement would not have been possible without the collective Read More…

Community Events News

Star Spangled Banner Compliments of the WV State Police

Kimberly Burrows shared these much appreciated photos with Ridgeview News of Sheriff Graham Knight raising the newly donated flag from the West Virginia State Police on the Courthouse flagpole on Main Street. Thank you officers for your service to our county and for the beautiful gift of “Old Glory” to spruce up the Patriotism of Read More…

Community Events News

Route 33 Wrestling Event March 2nd

Get ready for an electrifying night as Route 33 Wrestling presents its 20th live professional wrestling event at the Spencer Armory on March 2nd. The action kicks off at 6:30 pm with the Rural Rumble Battle Royal, where wrestlers battle for the prestigious Mountain Pass Medal and a coveted title shot opportunity. This pre-show bout Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

Clark Arrested on Warrant after failure to Appear

On Friday, May 26, 2023 at approximately 10:30 p.m., Corporal DC Moore, and Calhoun County Sheriff Carl Balengee stopped a vehicle traveling east on State Route 33/119 near the bottom of Liberty Hill in Arnoldsburg, Calhoun County. The vehicle had been traveling with its four way flashers on for a short distance prior to the Read More…

Government News


ALUM CREEK, W.Va. — The West Virginia Natural Resources Commission will meet on February 25 at 1 p.m. at the Claudia L. Workman Wildlife Education Center in Alum Creek. The meeting is open to the public and those who attend in person will have an opportunity to make comments. Meeting AgendaCall to Order – 1:00 P.M. Read More…


Laura McGinnis Announces Candidacy for House of Delegates

I am Laura McGinnis, and I am running for the House of Delegates, District 62, for Calhoun, Clay, and most of Gilmer Counties. I am a professional horsewoman as well as a Stampin’ Up demonstrator. I reside on our family farm in Clay County. I am running because I feel like there is a lack Read More…