Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
The Creston Community Building had a baked steak dinner Saturday March 18.
The Creston Area Neighborhood Watch will have a litter pickup on Saturday March 25. Be at the community building at 9 A. M. Afterwards nourishment will be provided for the workers.
Bill Duskey, age 63, died suddenly after apparently beating bladder cancer. The son of Boyd & Freda Duskey, he was laid to rest in the Wright cemetery. When Boyd worked for B & W, the family lived up in Ohio and many from there including several Amish folks attended the services. A meal was served at the Creston Community Building afterwards.
Heather Bonnett, the helpful postmaster at the Big Bend (Brooksville) post office, is retiring on March 24. The Creston mail all goes through the Brooksville office.
Brooksville vet Dr. Joe Cain, aged about 94, passed away while feeding his cattle. Passing away while having one’s boots on, if one has a choice, has to be the way to go.
Creston area temperature on the verge of spring fell into the teens. Seems that Al Gore Jr’s hot air machine broke down. The USDA’s multiflora rose and other Asian invasive species are out in leaf. The roses and autumn olive are stellar examples of government programs to “help people”. The USDA bureaucrats should be made to spend 12 hours/day, six days/week grubbing and disposing of the pests and they should not be allowed to wear gloves.
At the recent oil & gas meeting in Columbus Ohio a fellow from ‘Responsible Energy Solutions” talked about the new ethane leak rules and testing requirements from the ruling junta. Unlike third world countries where methane is vented or flared while the peasants use dung for cooking fuel, most oil & gas companies sell the methane, being part of the natural gas stream even if is only $2.34/MMBTU. When asked why all the concern about tiny leaks when the US government blew up a Russian pipeline that caused the greatest amount ever of natural gas to go into the Baltic Sea and the atmosphere the poor fellow seemed to be flummoxed. Apparently prior audiences that he had lectured to had not followed the news.
The Creston Easter party will be held Sunday, April 2 at 2 P. M. at the community building. There will be a covered dish meal.
There has been a lot of talk about who the new 87,000 armed IRS agents are going to go after. The senile guy said they were going to deal with the super rich but Mrs. Yellin who runs the US Treasury and is their boss announced that 90% of their effort would be directed to families & small businesses. Earlier it was reported that a big effort would be made to enforce the collection of taxes from waitresses who receive cash tips. Again, the senile fellow said folks making less than $400,000/year would not pay more taxes, but, well . . . .
The failure of SVB (Silicon Valley Bank) has had ripples locally as questions have even been directed to local community banks that actually know their customers. The fellow who eats pudding and ice cream said the taxpayers would not be stuck with the bill but in the end we all get to bail out the richest folks in the nation. Only one of the board of directors had any banking experience and the bank was the poster child for WOKE, ESG, DEI, green energy, alternate life styles, etc. Some of the nation’s richest had deposits there in the $millions including Gov. “Pretty Boy” Newsome. Also to be bailed out are several entities from China that are linked to the government that wants to take us over. Mrs. Yellin said the foreign folks would be paid [by us]. Of course now it is clear that a certain family received large sums of money from leaders in that nation.
Cap’n Drip, son Patrick, & Cap’n Spock were attending to business at the parts department of the Burning Springs Space Dock. It seems that the Klingons had harvested warp drive components from Cap’n Drip’s starship. It was understood that that incident had been reported to starship command.
The Gas Authority of India Limited is looking for large vessels for a 20 year contract to take ethane to India to fuel their petrochemical businesses. Some gas from Creston is 18% ethane and presently there is a several $billion investment in West Virginia in fractionation facilities to separate ethane, propane, the butanes, etc. from the natural gas stream. Except for Royal Dutch Shell’s ethane cracker in Monaca Pennsylvania, all the ethane is shipped away to distant states & nations where wealth is generated. The Shale Crescent folks have laid out for all who want to know how 100,000 high pay chemical jobs could be generated between Pittsburgh & Huntington but apparently no one down at the Mouth of the Elk is bothering to “mind the store”. Tattoo parlours and gambling are obviously much more important. Also no one has done anything to use the methane, the main component of natural gas to make ammonia & urea fertilizers even though there is a shortage of both and lots of talk about real food shortages.
About 2 A. M. the other morning a black pickup truck ended up in Little Creek near the residence of Bessie Arthur.
Some local folks attended the winter meeting of the W. Va. Republican State Executive Committee in Morgantown. The main event there was a move by folks apparently from Dee Cee who perhaps worked for the Lincoln Project or maybe Pierre Delecto who – were trying to set things up so that President Trump would be denied W. Va.’s delegates to the Republican National Convention. It would seem that their plan was foiled, at least for now.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil fell to $67.35/bbl. with condensate fetching just $51.35/bbl. and Marcellus & Utica light bringing $58.35 & medium $67.35/bbl.