Introducing the Calhoun Family Support Center – Serving Families in Need

By Jame Mullins, FRN Board Vice President – WVU Extension Agent
In late March 2022, Calhoun Family Resource Network (FRN) Director Tina Persinger was made aware of a major grant opportunity that would transform the FRN services provided within the community.
The Family Support Center Grant, made available through the WV DHHR, allowed organizations to request up to $250,000 to operate a Family Support Center in their county. Family Support Centers are direct service-providing organizations able to provide resources and assistance like food, clothing, utility expenses, cleaning products, job assistance, and more, as well as referrals, trainings and case management.
When Persinger learned of the available funding she had just two weeks to compile the grant application, however, she knew this money was needed in Calhoun. Persinger and her board worked thru the weekend proving organizational capacity, gathering old need assessments and current data compiled by WVU Extension, developing a budget, and finalizing the grant proposal. It was a hectic, crazy process, but they put it in the mail and waited patiently for the announcement of accepted proposals.
Then it came – Calhoun County FRN had been awarded a $250,000 Family Support Center grant.
The grant is ’program’ changing for the FRN, and hopefully life changing for residents of the Calhoun Community,” Persinger admitted as she celebrated this award. ”We have strived to provide this variety of services [food, clothing, cleaning products, baby items, etc] in the past, but it was always dependent upon donations and smaller grants. So, the scope was limited.
”This assures fully stocked – the ability to assist with food, utilities, cleaning, hygiene, baby supply, laundry services, and even finding and gaining employment.”
While the grant award was officially announced in July, the FRN has been renovating it’s facilities, developing FSC Usage Guidelines and learning about case management resources, and awaiting the arrival of the funds before officially announcing the FSC! During that time, they refurbished the former Thrift store area (located in the basement) into a Drop-in-Center, complete with a meeting space, a kitchen, a children’s area and more.
With the arrival of the funds just last week, Calhoun FRN is ecstatic to officially announce it’s new distinction as a Family Support Center!
”This grant allows the FRN to directly help people on a larger level,” Persinger explained of the opportunities it brings. ”We have the ability to do more than just put a band-aid on emergency situations.
”We can now, more effectively, help our neighbors create plans to decrease the various economic and emotional stressors in their lives and ultimately, get to a point of sustainability.”
For Persinger and the FRN/FSC, that is always their goal, helping their neighbor!
“I love the success stories – watching people go from rock bottom to gainfully employed, in their own apartment and secure.”
While the FSC is in its early stages, services are now available to any family in Calhoun with youth under the age of 18! Be on the lookout soon for more on the opportunities for support this brings to members of the community!