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COMPLETE RESULTS – Rt33W LIVE! – Saturday, March 2nd, 2024

Brought to you by The City Of Spencer, West Virginia, Groves Auto Service, and Twister’s Garage

Ring announcer: Vince Riviera
Referees: Mike Flury and Smartie Marks
Owner/Director: The Boss Lady

PRESHOW: The Rural Rumble Battle Royal for the Mountain Pass Medal
Winner: Gorgeous Morgan Taylor
“The Notorious GMT,” Gorgeous Morgan Taylor, agilely dodged elimination by slipping under the ropes. As “The Babushka Baron” Jeffrey John and Tyler Grayson collaborated to remove Jagermeister from the match, Jeffrey John swiftly ousted Tyler Grayson. Amidst his celebration, Morgan Taylor reemerged, catching Jeffrey John off guard and securing victory by eliminating him, claiming the coveted Mountain Pass Medal.

1) “The Notorious GMT” Gorgeous Morgan Taylor vs. “The Babushka Baron” Jeffrey John
Winner: Jeffrey John, via DQ
Morgan Taylor interrupted Vince Riviera’s introduction, and claimed he should already be considered Open Weight Champion for having the medal. Jeffrey John confronted Taylor and challenged him to a match on the spot.
Taylor attempted to leave the arena multiple times during the match. As John dragged his opponent back into the ring, Taylor kicked him in the groin, resulting in an immediate disqualification.

2) “The Show Pony” Reese Ramone vs. “AP” Audrey Allen – Wrestler
Winner: Audrey Allen
After enduring several minutes of “The Show Pony’s” dirty tactics, Audrey Allen hit Ramone with a massive chokeslam and followed up with a successful pinfall.

3) The Jagermeister vs. John D Crazy Hillbilly
Winner: The Jagermeister
Jager, adorned with both Rt33W Tag Team Title belts, entered the ring escorted by tag team champions “The Modern Day Frankenstein” Hero Napier and “The Leviathan” Michael Anthony. As John D prepared for a leg drop, Hero intervened, causing the hillbilly to stumble. This distraction enabled Jager to swiftly execute a crippling Dragon Slayer, sealing his victory.
Following the bell, Jager and Hero unleashed a barrage of strikes on John D using kendo sticks, while Michael Anthony delivered a massive powerslam. Grappling, Inc. rushed to John D’s aid, driving his assailants out of the ring in a display of solidarity and defense.

4) SinBorn vs. Tyler Grayson – No Disqualification
Winner: Tyler Grayson
This match stemmed from a heated confrontation between Grayson and Sinborn during intermission. Lasting over ten intense minutes, Grayson emerged victorious by strategically placing a road sign on a battered Sinborn, culminating with his trademark 450 splash for the decisive win.
After Sinborn put his hands on Referee Smartie Marks following the bell, the Boss Lady decreed that the next person to lay a finger on a referee would face grave consequences.

5) Grappling, Inc. vs. “The Modern Day Frankenstein” Hero Napier & “The Leviathan” Michael Anthony with The Jagermeister (c) – Rt33W Tag Team Championship Match
Winners: Hero Napier & Michael Anthony
True to form, the tag team champions resorted to underhanded tactics throughout the match. Grappling, Inc.’s Titan Troy bore the brunt of the assault from both Michael Anthony and Hero Napier. Following a thunderous spinebuster from Brox Boulder, Anthony distracted referee Mike Flury by feigning injury, clearing the path for Napier to strike Brox with a dragon-shaped backpack and secure the pinfall victory.
Post-match, it was discovered that the backpack concealed a cache of steel chains.

6) “The Heir Apparent” Chris LeRusso vs. “The Mór of Irish Strong Style” Riley rose (c) – Rt33W Open Weight Championship Match
Winner: Riley Rose
In a highly anticipated comeback, Chris Lerusso returned to Route 33 Wrestling after nearly two years, spurred by Riley Rose’s challenge. Both competitors showcased top-tier skills, delivering a technical masterclass. Lerusso’s signature superkick inadvertently incapacitated Referee Smartie Marks, but the match persisted. Despite contemplating the use of a steel chair during the referee’s incapacitation, Lerusso opted against it, choosing instead to revive Smartie. He then applied a sleeper hold on Rose, who cunningly used Lerusso’s momentum against him to step up the ropes and knock him to his back, pinning him and retaining the Open Weight Championship.

Before departing the arena, “The Mór of Irish Strong Style” issued a bold challenge to the sole remaining former champion, the Mountain King, for a championship showdown scheduled on May 4th—a challenge that was eagerly accepted.

May 4th tickets:

About Route 33 Wrestling, LLC

Founded in 2017 by stuntwoman and actor-combatant Jessi McCumbers (aka. “The Boss Lady”), Route 33 Wrestling is a 100% woman-owned and -run pro wrestling company located in the heart of Spencer, WV.

Route 33 Wrestling’s core goals are to make quality live sports entertainment accessible to all, and to put the “professional” in “professional wrestling.”

For more information, please visit us at:
