Guest Writers

Creston News

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

The Creston Neighborhood Watch meeting will be at 6 P. M. on Monday, August 8 at the Community Building.

The Creston area continues to have rain.  The “experts” had told us that we would be suffering from a drought but that ‘famous’ weather expert Al Gore, Jr. said [with authority] that New York City & Miami would now be under water because of “glo bull warming”.  For certain if the precipitation continues this winter one had better have good snow shovels, proper tires for chariots, plenty of firewood, lots of food, etc.

Some local folks have been making pickled corn so they’ll have tasty food this winter.

Several local folks attended and participated in the Wirt County Fair.  The comely Emma Wyer was named queen.  Her family on both sides have Creston relatives going back generations, including the Wyer, Shrader, Cunningham & Hopkins families.  She is one of the friendly tellers at the Calhoun County Bank in Elizabeth.

The Jackson County Fair had a problem with swine flu but such was not a problem at the Wirt County event.  One hog died but that was because of the excessive heat.

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ferrell & family were visiting daughter Missy in Pittsburgh.  They are all now over their bouts with Dr. Fauci’s wonderful virus.

Sgt. Thomas Fluharty, USA, Retired, is spending time at the WVU hospital in Morgantown dealing with complications of the Wuhan Kung Flu made in the communist Chinese germ warfare lab.  Meanwhile Peggy Dye, who likewise is on the mend, has been sojourning at the OSU hospital in Columbus.  The new variety seems to work hard on the digestive tract.

  Recent data from Europe [where data is available] show that there is an alarming increase in non covid deaths among those who are vaccinated as opposed to the non vaccinated, regardless of age group.  In some instances the rate is 15% higher.  Some of the ruling elite have made it clear that they want to depopulate the world.  Samantha Power, one of the ruling junta said it was a good thing that fertilizer was in short supply so that less food & fiber would be produced which, would cause famine & death in the third world and food shortages even in the USA.  We’ve now been told to “do with less and like it.”  That is part of the great reset which now is being implemented.

Broadway Joe who lives on a houseboat/yacht anchored on the Potomac River, made a deal and went along on the “green new deal”.  Likely we’ll never know what he received as one is dealing with sophisticated [at such] folks.  Now, there will be new taxes on coal and methane [natural gas?} and there will be 80,000 more IRS agents to go after small business [those who make less that $400,000].  Previously banks were required to report cash transactions to the feds for the $10,000 range but now every transaction of $600 must be reported.  This means that in most jurisdictions collecting rent will require an IRS form.

It was learned that many in state government who “have a grasp of reality” are very upset over Amendment #2 which takes away the constitutional protection over excessive property taxes and eliminates taxes on  multiple $billions of infrastructure that is the future of the state.  The wise ones down at the Mouth of the Elk seemed surprised at the increase in severance taxes from coal and new oil & gas production.  There are several well pads that generate over $1 million in severance each month.  If there was any leadership that was not owned, the state would require that all the meters that are used to calculate taxes & royalties would be subject to test.  Are cattle sold on untested scales?  Are logs & lumber sold without ascertainment of quantity and quality?  Are gasolene & diesel pumps checked by the state for accuracy?  Are the scales for weighing butter, bacon, flour and meal just on the honor system?

Ellen Hedge underwent surgery and is now recovering at home.  Other local residents are to be consulting with their medical providers.

Those who study such matters note that because of the recession and a global slow down the price of crude oil & natural gas has gone down as has the retail price of gasolene.  Holberts in Brooksville has regular for $3.89.9/gallon which gives a new definition for destination shopping.  Of course, Ray has a full line of groceries as well as hardware, fishing supplies, etc.  It is projected that next year natural gas will be $4.50/mmbtu although it currently is trading at $8.06.  Crude oil is said to be between $80 and $90/bbl. on the long haul.

It was reported that record volumes of NGLs [natural gas liquids] have been exported thus making other countries rich since they make the finished products.  Why no ethane crackers in West Virginia and Ohio?  Not enough “quick bucks” for our leaders?  Along those lines it was reported that, since the war in Ukraine started, each day Russia sells $one billion in hydrocarbons — so much for “sanctions” and, of course, Russia is winning the war and weapons sent to the Ukraine are sold on the black market.  Of course, Hunter has friends there.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude is now $88.01/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet, fetching just $74.01/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $79.01 & medium $88.01/bbl.