- West Virginia State Police, Josh Richards vs. Rickey Allen Carpenter Jr. – 22-M07F-00017, Driving while license revoked DUI, no probable cause found by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on 7/12/22
- Calhoun County Sheriff Dept, CJ Myers vs. April Carpenter – 22-M07F-00026, False evidence/forgery etc of title and registration, and Conspiracy. Case dismissed by Magistrate Richard G. Postlalwait on 7/7/22.
- Calhoun County Sheriff Dept., CJ Myers vs. Eric Ray Jones – 22-M07F-00028, Receiving or Transferring Stolen Vehicle and Conspiracy. – 22-M07F-00028. Probable cause found by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on 7/8/22.
- WVSP Brian Young vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 22-M07F-00029, Fraud and related activity in connection with access devices. Probable Cause Found by Magistrate Lora Davis on 7/7/22
- WVSP Brian Young vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 22-M07F-00030, Fraud and related activity in connection with access devices. Probable Cause Found by Magistrate Lora Davis on 7/7/22.
- WVSP Brian Young vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 22-M07F-00031, Fraud and related activity in connection with access devices. Probable Cause Found by Magistrate Lora Davis on 7/7/WVSP Brian Young vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 22-M07F-00032, 2 counts of Fraud and related activity in connection with access devices. Probable Cause Found by Magistrate Lora Davis on 7/7/22

- Calhoun Sheriff Dept./Ronald J. Gordon vs. Roy A. Dennis- Case Number 002274, Vaccination of dogs and cats, Dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 27, 2022
- Calhoun Sheriff Dept/Ronald J. Gordon vs. Roy A. Dennis – Case Number 002274, Any dog shall be and is hereby declared to be personal property within the meaning and con. Dismissed by Magisrate Richard Postalwait on July 27, 2022.
- Calhoun Sheriff Dept/Ronald J. Gordon vs. Roy A. Dennis – Case number 002300, Vaccination of dogs and cats, Dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 28, 2022
- Calhoun Sheriff Dept/Ronald J. Gordon vs. Roy A. Dennis – Case Number 002300, Any dog shall be and is hereby declared to be personal property within the meaning and con. Dismissed by Magisrate Richard Postalwait on July 28, 2022.
- Calhoun Sheriff Dept./CJ Myers vs. Janeta S. Knicely – 19-M07M-00275, Simple Possession, Case dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 28, 2022
- Calhoun Sheriff Dept./Jason Chang vs. Dewayne Bishoff – 20-M07M-00058, Charge 1 – Operation without certified inspection or failure to produce certificate, Charge 2 – Driving while license suspended or revoked. Guilty plea entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 14, 2022.
- WVSP E.E. Taylor vs. Alfred G. Rose, 21-M07M-00369, Charge 1, driving while license suspended or revoked general, Charge 2, Acts prohibited by operator (road), Case Dismissed pursuant to plea agreement by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 28, 2022.
- WVSP TFC David C. Moore vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 21-M07M-00390, Petit Larceny, Not Guilty verdict entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP TFC David C. Moore vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 21-M07M-00391, Petit Larceny, Not Guilty verdict entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP TFC David C. Moore vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 21-M07M-00392, Petit Larceny, Not Guilty verdict entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP TFC David C. Moore vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 21-M07M-00393, Petit Larceny, Not Guilty verdict entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP TFC David C. Moore vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 21-M07M-00394, Petit Larceny, Not Guilty verdict entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP TFC David C. Moore vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 21-M07M-00395, Petit Larceny, Not Guilty verdict entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP TFC David C. Moore vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 21-M07M-00396, Petit Larceny, Not Guilty verdict entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP TFC David C. Moore vs. Rebecca Marlene Keener – 21-M07M-00397, Petit Larceny, Not Guilty verdict entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP TFC David C. Moore vs. Alfred Glenn Rose – 21-M07M-00399, Driving while license suspended or revoked, general on July 28, 2022.
- WVSP E.E. Taylor vs. Donna M. Badgett, 22-M07M-00428, False Reporting of a Crime, Dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 27, 2022.
- WVSP Josh Richards, David Michael Moscarelli, 22-M07M-00065, 3 counts of False Reporting, Case Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 25th, 2022.
- WVSP E.E. Taylor vs. Dewayne Keith Bischoff, 22-M07M- 00066, Count 1 Driving while license Suspended or revoked, Count 2 No Insurance, Guilty plea before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 14th, 2022.
- Sheriff Warren Basnett vs. Allen Cleo Swisher, 22-M07M-00121 Driving under the influence 2nd offense – Guilty plea entered before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 27, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Jacob Samuel, 22-M07M-00133, Driving while under the influence of alcohol with an alcohol concentration >.15 (Misdemeanor), Dismissed pursuant to plea agreement before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 18, 2022.
- WVSP Josh Richards vs. John Timothy Evans, 22-M07M-00134, Driving und the influence with an alcohol concentrate of > .15 (Misdemeanor), Dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 18, 2022.
- Sheriff Warren Basnett vs. Ralph Edward Ackley, 22-M07M-00143, Count 1 – driving while suspended or revoked 3rd offense, Charge 2- No registration, Count 3 – No Helmet, Guilty plea entered before Magistrate Richard G. Postalwait on July 25, 2022.
- Calhoun Sheriff’s Department, CJ Myers vs. Misty Lynn Dalrymple,22-M07M-00144 Count 1 – improper MVI, Count 2 – Defective equipment, dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 18, 2022
- Calhoun Sheriff’s Department, CJ Myers vs. Trenton Hunter Anderson,22-M07M-00154, Possession less than 15g, Proceedings deferred by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 13, 2022.
- WVSP Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Eric Ray Jones, 22-M07M-00156, Count 1 – Fleeing from an officer, Count 2 – Knowingly or intentionally possessing a controlled substance without a valid prescription. Dismissed pursuant to plea agreement before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 8, 2022.
- WVSP, Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. April Carpenter, 22-M07M-00162, Count 1 -C Interference with an officer or members of the WVSP (false information), Count 2- Making false statement to officer – Count 1, guilty plea, count 2 dismissed pursuant to plea agreement before Magistrate Richard G. Postlawait on July 7, 2022.
- WVSP, Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Eric Ray Jones, 22-M07M-00163, fleeing from an officer, guilty plea pursuant to plea agreement before Magistrate Richard G. Postalwait on July 8, 2022.
- WVSP, Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Larry Travis Copen, 22-M07M-00189, Expired MVI, Magistrate Lora Davis dismissed the case on July 14, 2022.
- Calhoun Sheriff’s Dept. CJ Myers vs. Austin Lee Bailey, 22-M07M-00199, 2 counts of Knowingly or intentionally possessing a controlled substance without a valid prescription, entered a guilty plea before Magistrate Lora Davis, on July 14, 2022.
- WVSP Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Frederick Clyde Brown, 22-M07M-00202, Count 1 – No MVI (dismiss if corrected) count 2 – No proof of insurance, Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 1, 2022.
- WVDPS, Francis L. Raynor vs. Tiffany Nicole Watkins, 22-M07M-00218, interference with an officer or members of the WVSP, false information, entered a guilty plea before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 14, 2022.
- WVSP Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Justin Curtis Tanner, 22-M07M-00223, No mvi, Dismiss if corrected, Dismissed on July 14th, 2022 by Magistrate Lora Davis.
- WVSP Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Dewayne Keith Bischoff, 22-M07M-00224, Count 1 – Driving While suspended misc. susp date 7-10-2020, Count 2 – No proof of Insurance. Guilty plea before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 14th, 2022
- WVSP Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Charity Bishop – 22-M07M-00225, Expired MVI, (dismiss if corrected), Case dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 7, 2022.
- Calhoun Sheriff’s Department, CJ Myers vs. Terry Wesley Peggs, 22-M07M-00228, Count 1, Operation without certified Inspection or failure to produce certificate, Count 2 – No Insurance, Guilty plea before Magistrate Lora N. Davis on July 14th, 2022.
- WVSP Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Coty Allen Roberts, 22-M07M-00231, Count 1 – Operation without certified inspection or failure to produce certificate, Count 2 – No proof of Insurance, Count 3, Driving while license suspended or revoked (general), Count 4 – Registration card to be signed, carried and exhibited on demand. Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 20, 2022.
- WVSP Brian Young vs. Carla Metheney, 22-M07M-00233, Count 1 -No seatbelt, Count 2 – Operation without a certified inspection or failure to produce certificate, Count 3 – No insurance. Guilty plea before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 11, 2022.
- WVSP Josh Richards vs. Joshua White, 22-M07M-00235, Operation without cert. of inspection or failure to produce certificate. Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 6, 2022.
- WVSP, David C. Moore vs. Amos Walker, 22-M07M-00237, No proof of Insurance. Dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 8, 2022.
- WVSP, David C. Moore vs. Jody M. Vest, 22-M07M-00240, Count 1 – No proof of Insurance. Count 2 – Operation of vehicle without evidences of registration, Dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postwalwait on July 13, 2022.
- WVSP, Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Jett H. Sampson, 22-M07M-00241, Count 1 – Operation of vehicles without evidence of registration, Count 2 – Operation without cert. inspection or failure to produce certificate.
- WVSP, Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Brenda Lyons, 22-M07M-00242, Count 1 – Operation without cert. inspection or failure to produce certificate, Count 2 – driving while license suspended or revoked, general. Count 1 Dismissed, Guilty plea on county 2 before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 28, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Joseph A. Anderson, 22-M07M-00243. Count 1 – No proof of Insurance, Count 2 – Operation without evidences of registration Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 18, 2022.
- WVSP Josh Richards vs. John L. Cogar, 22-M07M-00246, Operation without cert. inspection or failure to produce certificate. Dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait onJuly 19, 2022.
- WVSP Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Sheila R. Brown, 22-M07M-00247, No proof of Insurance. Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 19, 2022.
- WVSP Josh Richards vs. John Dewayne Huffman, Count 1 – General Speeding, (53). No contest plea before Richard Postalwait on July 19, 2022. Count 2 – Expiration of registration and certificates of title was dismissed on the same date.
- No agency listed vs Jacob Samuel Evans, 22-M07M-00250, Driving in a reckless manner. Guilty plea before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 18, 2022.
- No agency listed vs. John Timothy Evans , 22-M07M-00251 Reckless operation , Guilty plea before Magistrate Richards Postalwait on July 18, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore s. William Lee Knicely, 22-M07M-00252 No proof of insurance. Dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 18, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Howard Johnson, 22-M07M-00253, No contest please before Lora Davis on July 18, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Rickey Darrell Sampson, 22-M07M-00254, No contest plea before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 19, 2022.
- WVSP Brian E. Young vs. Melissa Sue West, 22-M07M-00255, Count 1, Driving while license suspended or revoked, General Count 2 – Defective equipment, brake light in oper/white thru tail light brake. Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 19, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Jeneta Knicely, 22-M07M-00256, No seatbelt, Guilty plea before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 28, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Titus Elijah McIntyre, 22-M07M-00258, no seatbelt, no contest pleas before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 19, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Jimmy Dean Murphy, 22-M07M-00259, No Seat belt, no contest please before Magistrate Richard G. Postalwait on July 25, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Pamela Lynn Suttle, 22-M07M-00260, No seat belt, no contest plea before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 21, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Eric Don Webb, 22-M07M-00262, No Seatbelt, no contest plea before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 20, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Lloyd Dwayne Drake, 22-M07M-00263, Count 1 – Possession less than 15 grams, count 2 Possess of methamphetamine. Guilty plea before Magistrate Lora Davis o July 25, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Conner Blaine Ritchie, 22-M07M-00264, No contest plea before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP David C. Moore vs. Donna Lagrone, 22-M07M-00265, no seatbelt, guilty plea before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP Sgt. Christopher J. Weekley vs. Brandie Michelle Duncan, 22- M07M-00268. No proof of Insurance, dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP Josh Richards, vs. David Otis Clary, 22-M07M-00269, Count 1 – Interference with officers or members of the WVSP, false information, Count 2 – Making a false statement to officer. No probable cause found by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 22, 2022.
- DNR Randy S. Cremeans vs. Gary Michael Ferrell, 22-M07M-0273, Illegal possession of wildlife (raccoon), No contest plea before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP Josh Richards vs. Mason David Nicholas, 22-M07M-00277, speeding 63 in a 55 mph, guilty plea, before Magistrate Lora Davis on July 25, 2022.
- WVSP Josh Richards vs. Michael B. Wilson, 22-M07M-00278 Speeding 45 mph in a 40. No contest plea before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on July 26, 2022.
- WVSP Jeffrey B. Hunt vs. Donald Tucker, 22-M07M-00282 No proof of insurance, Dismissed upon proof by Magistrate Lora Davis on July 28, 2022.