In a complaint filed by Sgt. K.M. Williams of the WV State Police, he stated that on Sunday, January 21, 2024, at approximately 10:30 p.m., Justin Rae Meadows contacted Calhoun 911 and reported that he was being harassed and requested to speak with an officer. Sergeant Williams responded to 127 East Little Kanawha Hwy in Grantsville, WV, arriving on scene at approximately 11:11 p.m. He then spoke to Justin Meadows who advised that someone was harassing him and they keep beating on the walls and throwing stuff against the house. This officer asked Justin to show him where they were beating on the house. Justin advised that they were throwing chairs against the house and he has picked them up and put them into the trash.
Sgt. Williams had Justin show where they were in the garbage dumpster. Upon viewing the dumpster the officer did not see the chairs that Justin was speaking about and asked him where in the dumpster he had put them. Justin then advised that someone must have removed them because they would have their fingerprints on them.
Sgt. Williams then asked Justin where they were beating on the residence and where the chairs were that he picked up. Justin, using the officers light and his headlamp showed Sgt. Williams where they were located when he had picked them up. The officer observed the area to be free of human tracks and did observe tracks from animals around the rear and side of the residence which then lead to the hillside and straight upwards, which would be impossible for any human to do and climb the hillside without sliding downwards.
Justin then showed the officer footsteps on the opposite side of the residence which lead to the rear door of apartment number two and the foot prints did not go around the rear of the residence.
The Calhoun County Sheriffs office and State Police have responded to Justin Meadows residence, where no signs of foul play have been observed, on five (5) occasions -January 21, 2024, January 4, 2024 two (2) times, January 2, 2024, Patricia* called on December 28, 2023.
Justin Meadows was charged with false reporting, arrested and transported to Central Regional Jail for processing and to await arraignment from a Calhoun County Magistrate.
Justin Rae Meadows is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Criminal Code
§61-6-20. Falsely reporting an emergency incident.
Aperson is guilty of reporting a false emergency incident when knowing the information reported, conveyed or circulated si false or baseless, he
(3) Reports ot a law-enforcement officer or agency the alleged occurrence of any offense or incident which did not ni fact occur or an allegedly impending occurrence of an offense or incident which si not ni fact about ot occur or false information relating ot an actual ofense or incident or ot the aleged implication of some person therein; or
(4) Without just cause, cals or summons by telephone, fire alarm system or otherwise, any firefighting apparatus, ambulance apparatus, rescue vehicles or other emergency vehicles.
Any person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500 or confined in the county jail not more than six months, or both fined and confined.
*No last name listed in complaint for Patricia.