
Memorial Day Message: What Part of United Do You Not Understand?

By Publisher, Shari Johnson

The last Monday in May was established by Congress as Memorial Day. The day to remember, honor and mourn the Americans who have died in our Country’s wars. It by all means should be a day that every American of every political brand should put aside their differences to have a centralized focus on the men and women who gave their lives to defend the United States of America.

What part of United do you not understand?

It’s really not that complicated. It doesn’t mean that everyone has to agree on everything. Only one thing. That everyone in America is free to believe what they want to believe. That means that I, Shari Johnson, a believer in Jesus Christ, am free to believe and live my life following the Christian foundation and principles that I have been taught through the word of God. I am free to be proud of my Nation and celebrate Memorial Day honoring veterans and my family who have gone on to Glory. I am free to cast my vote in an election the way I determine. I am free to question whether or not the local, state or national government is acting in mine and the rest of the Nation’s best interest. And so are you.

I am free to do that because men and women went to war to defend that right, and many of them didn’t return home. They did that for freedom. The freedom to have an opinion, differing or the same, but never losing the “United” State of the people to believe they had that freedom.

I personally disagree with the vast majority of the shenanigans going on across our Nation. I don’t believe any school has the right to teach a child that there is more than two genders, when anyone with an ounce of sense knows that’s a lie. If you’re in a public school and you’ll lie about that, you’ll lie about other things as well. What’s that got to do with Memorial Day? Those soldiers died for me to have the freedom to say that. They also died for the furries and every other belief. And while I disagree, I won’t tell them they don’t have the right to believe it and live “their” lives in it. Not demand that I accept and live my life in it.

United doesn’t mean we agree on everything in life as Americans. But it does mean that if you want to live your life in freedom, you better defend the Nation that allows you that privilege. And if you don’t, get a passport and go find your own country. But you can be guaranteed, there’s not one that’s as blessed as ours.
