The multi-day rains continue to cause tree falls across the county. It seems everyday this week the scanner was alerting fire departments of downed trees and the WV Department of Highways spent a portion of their day cutting the debris from roadways. According to web research on the issue, the wet ground leaves trees with little to stand on, and the danger of falling trees will linger even as the weather dries out. Add to that a bit of wind and the situation becomes far more likely but just because there isn’t a major storm blowing through doesn’t mean trees can’t uproot and fall over. Broken limbs near the top of the tree are one warning sign of a tree about to tumble.
Living in a state filled with forrest and many lawns with trees close to the home, it’s always a concern for homeowners, but especially in the recent days.
According to Bartlett Tree Expert Company in Raleigh North Carolina, ”Looking down the main stem of the tree, you are looking for cavities or discolorations in the bark. At that root flair, where it flairs out into the soil, there can be decay and problems down low. The lean of a tree can also be telling. If the tree is leaning too much, they will be the first to upheave and fall over.”
According to an article by AccuWeather.com, ”The most common contributors to trees falling over during high winds are soggy soil and a compromised root system. Aside from a few broken branches, most healthy trees can weather brief periods of high winds and heavy rain from thunderstorms. However, in situations where the ground is saturated, tree roots can lose grounding in the soil and an entire tree can come crashing down. Amid heavy rains and often during the springtime, a surge of fluid, or sap, is drawn up into the canopy making the tree top-heavy and prone to toppling.”
With several more days of rain expected there could be more downed trees in the area, as well as additional weather related issues. While little can be done to stop the tree falls along the road, being aware of our surroundings and taking the time to inspect trees around the home would be good advice.