Submitted by Patty Haught The Calhoun County Wood Festival will be having a Pretty Baby Contest on Wednesday, May 31 at 6:00pm on the main stage on Main Street in Grantsville. Registration will start at 5:00pm and will end at 5:55pm. The fee is $20 per contestant. The contest will start at 6:00pm. Boys and Read More…
Calhoun MS Softball nabbed the lead late in the game in a 20-11 victory over Spencer MS on Wednesday. Calhoun was down 11-10 in the bottom of the fourth inning when Addie Collins tripled on a 1-0 count, scoring two runs. Kayleigh Cunningham also had a triple in the game.Kyla Myer collected four hits in Read More…
Submitted by John Frail On Tuesday, Lori Strange-Paylor’s Game of Life campers visited Calhoun Banks and learned about borrowing money for houses and vehicles. They learned about interest and how it works. Our campers also learned about how to manage their money and choose wisely to live within their means. It was a wonderful experience Read More…