There was no service at the Burning Springs M. E. Church as there was too much illness.
Edith Mills, age 92, of Brohard passed away. The widow of Clarence Mills, she always came with him to Creston when he played music. Burial was in the Belt cemetery.
J. P. Marks was calling at the Creston Space Dock. Presently the owner is down at the Mouth of the Elk attending the state County Commissioners meeting.
Some local folks attended the Boley Breakfast where James Stout, the general inspector for the W. Va. Dept. of Homeland Security was the speaker. He noted he had run the regional jail in Doddridge County and noted that it was at twice the capacity. He noted the problems with the criminal justice system in the state and the obvious problems that now exist. There was quite a bit of discussion over the problems in Wood County with the “drug rehab” scam where the “provider” gets $22,000 taxpayer dollars to treat folks from 26 states and when the patients leave the facility or the course is done, then all these folks are still in Wood County. Also there are problems with porn available to school children and one man there noted that two delegates tried to have him fired for talking about the problems facing the community.
Speaking of the regional jail a Calhoun man was murdered this week when someone gave him fentanyl that someone brought into lookup. One might say that he is a casualty in China’s chemical & biological war against America. The drugs are made there, sent to the drug cartels in Mexico and then the ruling junta allows the cartels to bring in and distribute the killer drugs. One would hope that murder charges are brought also against the National Homeland Security boss Mayorkis as he explicitly allows the drug cartels to control the southern border. One could also charge the fellow who had classified papers stored in his garage but he could escape prosecution by claiming lack of mental capability.
Mr. Blinky, who heads up the US State Department, has now banned the use of the Times New Roman font since it is not sufficiently inclusive. The font was first used in 1932. Our leaders take care of important things, don’t you know.
The furor over banning gas stoves, something that most local folks use continues. The elites said that those who raised concerns were “conspiracy theorists”. Now the Rocky Mountain Institute, the one cited as saying gas stoves caused asthma have said that they had no data showing such. Recently it was learned that Hunter, dad & Uncle Jim had a big deal in the works to sell natural gas to the folks that dine with chopsticks. it would be unseemly to let folks here use it instead when money is to be made [at our expanse]/
Broadway Joe’s new buddy Bill Gates hopes that “fake meat” will become ‘really good’. The FDA, ever on the war against America, has said “lab grown meat” is now OK for the peasants to eat. Gates admitted most folks won’t become vegans so Big Brother will feed them fake meat since the peasants won’t be abele to afford or be allowed to eat real meat. McDonalds is now selling a fake meat product called Double McPlanet. Gates, it was noted owns 275,000 acres of American farmland. Over at the WEF forum in Davos Switzerland they were served Wagyu beef while one speaker suggested that 1 billion souls quit eating meat. The Babylon Bee suggested that the globalists might call on John the Baptist to promote the eating of locusts.
Al Gore, Jr. & W. Va.’s own Broadway Joe went to the gala event. There were at least 1000 private jets bringing in the elites who said the rest of us should cut back to save the planet. U. S. has 2% of the world’s pollution so we shut down so Russia, India & China make & do everything. It was reported that 6,000 police were there to protect the crowd and the professional ladies raised their rates to either $750/hour or $2.500/evening. Folks would like to know just how much all this cost the US taxpayer. Al Gore, Jr. who has always been “reckless with the truth” claimed that the oceans were boiling and that the rain bombs were sucking the water out of the soil & causing drought even though the Sahara has been greening and many areas have had record moisture [a good thing]. He said there were going to be one billion climate migrants. Some years back he said New York City would be under water and there would be no more ice in the Arctic Ocean, among other claims. One thing for sure, & has been shown in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) if fertilizers are banned large numbers will starve but the elites have already said that the population should be reduced from 8 billion to 500 million. John Kerry, Jane Fondu’s buddy, wants to “peacefully” reduce the world’s population by 7 billion and the remaining peasants, like those of old will own nothing and be happy. Kerry also said they were the select who had gathered to change the world. Broadway Joe noted that he was very concerned about “sources of information” that “were not approved”. Sounds pretty much like a commercial for the Division of Truth. He, while wearing a Ukraine flag pin, noted that we must support Ukraine, no matter what even thought it is now obvious that the disaster there is getting worse and the oligarchs, all of who know Hunter have been buying choice land in the Alps.
Barb Wright was consulting her physician & Wilma Mowrey came down with a nasty infection.
One local fellow was exposed to a fellow who came down with the Wuhan Kung Flu virus so he did not help with the Creston Food Pantry.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $80.31/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet fetching just $64.31/bbl. Marcellus & Utica light was $71/31 & medium $80.31/bbl. Henry Hub natural gas fell to $3.31/MMBTU [dekatherm] while Y grade natural gas liquids brought $28.942/bbl. In some places gasolene has taken a 60 cent jump in price.