The Calhoun County Commission met for their regular Monthly meeting, March 14, 2022 in the Little Courtroom of the Calhoun County Co urthouse. All three Commissioners were present, County Clerk Jean Simers, as well as over 40 citizens for a standing room only crowd.
Melissa O’Brien of Thompson and Litten, an Engineering-Architecture firm, brougt a second proposal to the Calhoun County Commission with regards to the broad band infrastructure project. With funding made possible through American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to expand broadband in West Virginia, Calhoun County will now invest $1.2 million dollars into the project which will be matched with 4-1 matching funds made possbile by Federal Money. The Broadband project will be under construction within 2 to 2 1/2 years. Ms. O’Brien commended the Commissioners on their leadership in moving forward with the project.
Second on the agenda was Crystal Laughlin Mersh of The 1982 Foundation who ask the Commissioners if they had had the opportunity to read the memorandum sent from her attorney Jeff Taylor regarding the conveyance of the Wayne Underwood Field to the Calhoun County Community Center for further developement. She further stated that WV State Code did indeed permit the conveyance of the property over to the Economic Developement Authority and it could then be conveyed to the 1982 Foundation.
All three Commissioners were in agreement that the Calhoun County Board of Education should be the deciding factor on what happens with the Wayne Underwood Field. As a part of the original agreement in giving it to the County, the Calhoun BOE reserved the right for first refusal should the County fail to use it for recreational purposes or determine to get rid of it. The matter was tabled once again.
Crystal Mersh concluded that in trying to get the matter resolved she needed to know if this plan for her to expand the Community Center projects into the field area would happen because if not she could invest her half million dollar budget in Monongahelia or Cabell counties. The Commissioners said that it would remain on the agenda for future meetings.
Robin Hughes, member of the 1982 Foundation asked the County Commission if any thing further had been done with the County’s Comprehensive plan. To which Commissioner Helmick responded that he was “Only president of that committee because nobody else wanted it,” and that nothing had been done due COVID-19 stopping the meetings. Robin Hughes questioned who it was that set those meeting and was informed that it Jared Anderson of WVU, and there was currently a meeting set for April 5, 2022 at 6 p.m. in the Little Courtroom with anyone welcome to attend.
Robin invited and encouraged all three Commisioners to attend a Town Hall hosted by the 1982 Found and the Ridgeview News on March 26 at 1 p.m. at the Calhoun Community Center.
Commissioner Michael Hicks gave an update on the ARPA funds for which the county should be receiving the second half of later this month. Although the Commissioners could not vote on the matter because the funds were yet, in hand they did announce the recipients:
- Mount Zion Community Park – $30,000
- Calhoun County Park – $62,999
- Upper West Fork Park – $23,958
- Arnoldsburg Community Park – $30,200
- Calhoun Committee on Aging – $69,945
- Heartwood Dance Center – $18,500
- Mt. Zion Public Service District – $15,000

Commissioner Hicks also reported on the activities of Calhoun 911 and Calhoun EMS and was questioned by Ridgeview News Publisher, Shari Johnson, as to whether or not the commissioners were aware that the Calhoun County EMS Ambulance had failed to answer the beckoning of Calhoun Control for 4 hours on the night of March 3 into March 4th. (Upon further review of the publisher’s notes it was actually 5 1/2 hours). The ambulance crew had left for Charleston at around 10 p.m. and didn’t return for almost 6 hours and were unable to be reached by radio, The Commissioners stated they were not aware but would check into the matter.
Donald Pitts, President of the Calhoun County Park reported to the Commission that the park board been seeking suppliers for new playground equipment for the park, working on further updating their website and working on a spring project with the Calhoun Middle High School .

Commissioner Matt Walker reported for the Calhoun FRN (Family Resiyrce Network, that a “Community Day” on April 30, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. will host activities, food and doorprizes for the community to take part.
Shelia Burch of the the Little Kanawha Area Development Corporation informed the Commission that area businesses continued to have supply chain issues in the fields of manufacturing and general merchandise sales. Some to the point of a consideration of lay offs of staff.

Calhoun County Clerk Jean Simers reported to the Commisioners that she had been attempting to aquire bids for the annual County Audit, sending out 20 RFP’s (Request for Proposal) for a two year audit, but only received two in return. BHM CPA firm sent a proposal for $18,000/ year, and a proposal from Perry & Associates for $25,000/year. The previous audit done by the State Auditors office cost $19,000. The Commissioners passed a motion for BHM CPA to complete the county’s audit.
Bradley Stevens was reappointed by the Commissioners to the Little Kanawha Valley Area Developement Authority for a 3 year position.
Financial Matters and General Business was the balance of the meeting with the payment of $151,881.57 in County expenses. $10,856. of that total was for the Regional Jail Bill.
The next regularly scheduled meeing will take place April 19, 2022 at 9 a.m. in the Little Court Room of the Calhoun County Courthosue.

One other matter was a financial audit has not be completed since 2018. These audits are required to be completed annually……as I understood it (please correct me if I am incorrect)….. the County Clerk to report that these audits were delinquent.