Community Events News Politics

Debate Set, Chairs in Place, Crickets by Democrat Party

Thursday’s debate has had an open invitation to all parties on all sides of the political realms of Calhoun County. Republican candidates have confirmed their plans to attend, but Ridgeview News has yet to have any response from the Democratic side. An opportunity for questions to be submitted by the Republican and Democratic parties was sent, again no response from the Democrats. The questions submitted by Republicans and those written by Shari Johnson, Publisher, were sent to be screened by the candidates and their committees on Monday night with an offer for any issues with the questions to be addressed. Again no response.

Eric Lupardus, Key moderator sent an invitation to meet with both sides prior to the event to assure fairness on toward both sides but received no response.

It is still hoped and encouraged that there will be a full participation from both parties.

Ridgeview News still awaits a response from the Democrats, but regardless Thursday evening will give the community an opportunity to hear the answers to the question sent out, ask their own questions and hear vital information about the County Emergency Service Levy and the School Levy from officials. The event will be broadcast live on Facebook with the intention of recording it for later views.

The questions that were sent to the candidates Monday evening were the following:


  1. What will you do to help create a healthy economy in Calhoun county?
  2. What’s more important with regard to infrastructure – high speed internet/phone service, roads, water & sewer, something else?
  3. Dilapidated buildings have become quite the issue in Calhoun county, what solution do you see for addressing it.
  4. How do you plan to involve residents in your decision making?
  5. Explain how you would keep our county on firm financial standing?
  6. You have received a (hypothetical of course) one million dollar grant to be split between 3 county agencies, who gets the money?
  7. How much time do you believe should be invested monthly into your $30,000 a year position?
  8. Calhoun County has much to offer in the line of tourism, how will you promote us?
  9. What is your experience with budgeting?
  10. What is your experience with staff management?
  11. Are our county taxes too high, just right or too low?
  12. If a county agency is having management issues, how will you address it and at what point will you inform the community?
  13. Do you see a weakness in the County Commission that you would like to see addressed?
  14. If there had to be a budget cut in the courthouse how would you determine who’s budget gets cut?
  15. What type business do you think would be a good pursuit for the county to try and draw in?
  16. How often will you travel to Charleston to meet with our legislators?
  17. How will you create a business friendly climate for businesses small and large to move into Calhoun County?
  18. How will you Market Calhoun County for business?
  19. What is your greatest strength for the position of Commissioner?
  20. The county has had a history of apathy, how can we change that?


1.  What changes can and should be made in the county clerk’s office to improve transparency?
2.  What changes can and should be made by the county clerk’s office to aid in the performance of the County Commission?
3.  What financial controls have been or should be increased in response to the recent audits that indicated significant findings in the lack of financial controls?
4.  What can and should be done to improve the people’s access to records?  The database is old technology and difficult to find things in
5.  What improvements have been made in the training of the poll workers since May to improve their ability to effectively perform their duties? 
6.  What can the county clerk do to facilitate the cooperation within the court house and with other government bodies?
7.  What can be done by the county clerk’s office to improve communication to the people?  FB page?  Web site? 

8. How well do you, or will you work with the staff of the Sheriff’s Office to insure accurate accounting balances between the two offices?

9. With regard to the elections how do you, or how will you safe guard mail in ballots.

10. What could be done by the Clerk’s Office to help facilitate better meeting space for the community? (Audio, space, etc.)