Guest Writers News

“Bad Blood” Down in Paradise?

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church..  The crowd was thin since some have yet to adjust to the government mandated “fast time” which was instituted during WW II so there would be more daylight hours for workers to make war material to fight the nation’s enemies. Now, Read More…

Guest Writers News

Spring Flowers Blooming in WV and Mushroom Clouds looming in Ohio, and other Springtime News from Mr. Engelke

Debbie Griffin is home on the mend after undergoing robotic surgery.  She is slowly on the mend. The amphibians, likely spade footed toads and other not so often seen ones, have been singing their little hearts out in an effort to woo the ladies.  In addition to dandelions, chickweed, hairy bittercress and henbit the crocuses Read More…


How to fix America:  Abolish the departments, fire the employees & sell the buildings

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Debbie Griffin spent the weekend “vacationing” at a Charleston hospital, not really something that was on her “bucket list”.  Barbara Wright is on the mend, somewhat from double pneumonia and is to consult with her physician.  Nancy Engelke is to consult Read More…

Guest Writers News

Local Skies had Snow in Creston, North Western to Southern Skies had Chinese Balloons

Creston has been having “winter” weather with some snow, though not much, cold & then warming all of which leads to sick residents.  Also Bambi & her friends decided that the stupid tulips that were up were indeed tasty. Barbara Wright was finally diagnosed with double pneumonia and got to “vacation where they serve breakfast Read More…

Guest Writers News

The Creston News, Covid Numbers and Other Noteworthy Topics

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion. It was learned that Bob Groves passed away.  Back when he was Jimmy Jones right hand man at the state road and later he worked in law enforcement. Jerry Duskey noted that both he & Billie Jean Read More…

Guest Writers News

US Government Goals: Lab Grown Meat cooked on Your Electric Stoves and Don’t Judge Government Waste

There was no service at the Burning Springs  M. E. Church as there was too much illness. Edith Mills, age 92, of Brohard passed away.  The widow of Clarence Mills, she always came with him to Creston when he played music.  Burial was in the Belt cemetery. J. P. Marks was calling at the Creston Read More…

Business Government Guest Writers News

Creston News, the Government’s Great Reset, Car Kill Switches and Oil & Gas Antics

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Nancy Engelke & Barb Wright are scheduled to consult with their medical experts.  Nancy Wright, her sister Linda & husband all came down with the Wuhan Kung Flu virus.  Fred Bish took Betty to Quick Care & they called the ambulance Read More…